Maggie is a fixer. She has a talent – no, a calling – for rescuing people from their unhappy lives and helping them land in a far better spot Read more...
It’s 2024. Erin, her boyfriend, and her best friend are on a hiking trip, but somehow one of them has gone missing and the other two are found badly burned and left for dead. Flashback 400-some-odd years to 1594 Read more...
If there is a rock bottom, Jemma has hit hers. It’s 1962 and Jemma is grappling with a death in the family, a job loss, and her relationship coming to a screeching halt in quite a scandalous way. She’s Read more...
Stop, for a moment, and listen to your surroundings. What do you hear? A whirring fridge, the steady stream of traffic outside your window? The chatter of family members or neighbors? The buzzing song of cicadas and crickets on a warm Read more...
Wouldn’t it be fascinating to go shopping for your dream each night? To be able to pick out an amazing, once-in-a-lifetime (or dreamtime) experience? To select a dream in which you could see a dearly departed loved one again? To Read more...
Stella and Adam are the perfect all-American couple – young, glamorous, and well-traveled. As an antiques dealer, Adam’s job brings him overseas to search for architectural treasures Read more...
The year is 1901, and Nicky is the well-to-do daughter of George Abney, a prominent whaling company owner. The company is not financially healthy, and Nicky needs to lie low while her father works to fix it. Fast forward to 2023, when urban Read more...
Addie Severson is dreading having to go back to high school for her sophomore year... after what happened last year. Even her best friend, Hudson, has been avoiding her for the last six months, so now she has nobody in her corner. On the Read more...
If your teenage son went missing without a trace, the first thing you would do is call the police for help in finding him, right? Well, not if you were in tense contract negotiations with the police union. Carole McCann, New York City Read more...
It was a freak accident. Lawyer, climate change activist, and likely presidential candidate Patty Garcia nearly died after being struck in the head by a golf ball during her regular tee time. The case was a pretty tidy one for the police to document – call in Read more...
Everyone knows about the Swallow Hill turpentine camp, but nobody wants to end up there unless they have no other choice. In Depression-era Deep South, farmhand Del Reese finds himself on the wrong side of his boss’s good graces – to stay in his current Read more...
What is more appealing as the subject of a summer read than a peek into the uber-elite and secretive lives of celebrities? Answer – nothing. Elite moviemaker Ted Stabler's wife, Holly, is planning a Bump to Pump fundraiser that has to go off without a Read more...
Do you ever wonder what doctors talk about while they are performing surgeries? Are you curious what your healthcare provider had to learn to become your doctor, or what kind of atrocities they’ve seen and treated throughout their career? Would your opinion about the healthcare Read more...
A Land Rover is rushing down the causeway that separates an exclusive island from the mainland, its occupants in a race against the tide they know will ultimately be futile. But… what other choice did they have to try to save themselves? A Vanity Fair expose Read more...
A maid’s mission at the Regency Grand Hotel is not just to clean up after the guests, but to return each and every hotel room to a state of perfection. It is this duty that the likely autistic Molly Gray takes on as both an honor Read more...
A love that is not meant to be. A treasure hunt on an alluring island just off the coast of Georgia. Fourth of July parties. Children growing up and becoming, for better or worse, just like their parents. The enduring bonds of friendship. Wild Read more...
Meet Michael Maven, a movie theater owner by day and thief by night that plays by the rules and has a conscience. He has no problem purloining expensive valuables, but refuses to make a mess in the process of doing so and avoids violent altercations. His next Read more...
If you must run from your past in a last-ditch effort to elude your fate, what better place to escape to than a sublime lighthouse on a Scottish island? Her three daughters and bare minimum essentials in tow, Liv Stay arrives on Lon Haven in 1998 to Read more...
A small town Halloween party is the perfect place for elaborate costumes. Cheekily-named cocktails. Scary movies and ghost stories. Ghoulishly-decorated canapes. Creepy decorations and easily spooked guests. And… murder? That’s the case in Leslie Meier, Lee Hollis, and Read more...
What do you get when you mix a sprinkle of The Tell-tale Heart with a helping of The Yellow Wallpaper? You guessed it – Virginia Feito’s debut novel MRS. MARCH. Poor Read more...
Laura Mueller
Growing up, my favorite summer
vacation activity was curling up on
the porch swing with a stack of books
to escape into a magical other world.
Doing so is still a favorite activity
years later. As a Fresh Fiction
reviewer, I’m excited to help you
discover your next favorite page-
turner and build your book collection!