February 16th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Carolyn Brown

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164 comments posted.

Re: Cowboy Trouble (1:42pm April 3, 2019):

Hey, Joanne!
I love, love the cover of your new edition. Especially that
barbed wire tattoo! So sexy!! It's a great story folks--
don't miss this one!

Re: Cowboy Boots for Christmas (10:02pm October 7, 2014):

Thank you for dropping by to visit with me and Finn and Callie!

Re: How To Marry A Cowboy (8:40am July 2, 2014):

Betty, thank you and keep your boots on. There's more on the way!

Re: How To Marry A Cowboy (8:39am July 2, 2014):

Glenda, I asked someone the other day if they'd always lived in Texas and their answer was, "No but I got here as soon as I could!" Glad you stayed in the Lone Star State.

Re: How To Marry A Cowboy (10:59pm July 1, 2014):

Theresa: thank you so much for loving my cowboys!

Re: How To Marry A Cowboy (1:04pm July 1, 2014):

Good morning, everyone! Come right in and let's visit for a while...

Re: The Red-Hot Chili Cook-Off (9:58pm April 3, 2014):

Linda, Melanie and Marcelyn: Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your recipes. They sound so good...I can't wait to try them out! I'm hungry for enchiladas, pimento cheese and nachos just reading through them.

Re: The Red-Hot Chili Cook-Off (6:16pm April 3, 2014):

Tina: Those hush puppies sound scrumptious. I bet they'd disappear fast when we have our next fish fry. thank you so much for stopping by and for the recipe.

L. Lam: MMMM, love chili nachos! With jalapeno peppers on them! And ice cream for dessert! LOL

Re: The Red-Hot Chili Cook-Off (3:03pm April 3, 2014):

Felicia: I hope that you do get hooked on it when you get a chance to read it! I have one daughter who couldn't boil water without callin' me to see how much to put in the pan, how high to set the heat and which pot holder to use to get it off the stove when it does boil. My son, however, is a fantastic cook.

Nancy: Thank you! The mamas of Bless My Bloomers can't cook, either but they are determined to learn how to make prize winnin' chili so that Lenny Joe can eat a big chunk of humble pie.

Ann: Thank you, thank you! There's lots of chuckles at Bless My Bloomers including an incident when not one of the mama's know that the other two have already added the cayenne pepper. So welcome to Cadillac and happy reading!

Re: The Red-Hot Chili Cook-Off (12:14pm April 3, 2014):

Sharon, thank you! This was such a fun book to write.

Re: The Red-Hot Chili Cook-Off (11:49am April 3, 2014):

Peggy, tasty and healthy at the same time. I bet for some extra flavor that cream cheese could be whipped up with some cucumber ranch salad dressing, too!

Re: The Red-Hot Chili Cook-Off (10:34am April 3, 2014):

Michelle, that is too funny! I bet the Texans didn't appreciate a Yankee (my husband is a PA Yank, too) stealing their thunder one bit! Thank you for stopping by today!

Re: The Red-Hot Chili Cook-Off (10:03am April 3, 2014):

Kim, that sounds wonderful. Next time the kids all come home I'll have to make them.

Re: The Red-Hot Chili Cook-Off (7:44am April 3, 2014):

Good morning everyone...welcome back to Cadillac, Texas! I'm hoping that a good many of y'all share your appetizer or any other recipes for that matter with us today.

Re: Kissing with Fangs (8:24am March 20, 2014):

Just stopping by to say hello. Love the title and the cover. I need to sit in front of a fan after staring at your covers too long!

Re: The Cowboy's Mail Order Bride (9:01pm February 20, 2014):

Denise: Just a note here. Husband does some really great woodworking. He's built a lot of my furniture and is constantly remodeling something for me. And he made those little charms.

Glenda: Ahhh, bless your heart for reading my books. You know they say ignorance is bliss. Forty seven years later, I would be terrified to do what I did at 17. LOL

Denise: Thank you and thanks for stopping by today.

Marcelyn: Love your name! Enjoy the reading!

Martha: It was very exciting...being a new bride in a totally new world. Pennsylvania is a long way from southern Oklahoma and this Tex-Okie (born in Texas, raised in southern Oklahoma) felt like a fish out of water some of the time for sure.

Mary Ann: At the time, it didn't seem incredible but the older I get...well, I'm not sure I wouldn't hog tie my granddaughters (I have 12)and put them in a convent if they wanted to do the same thing.

Re: The Cowboy's Mail Order Bride (5:13pm February 20, 2014):

Kathleen: Come on down to Ravenna and meet the characters!

Leanne: Thanks for stopping by and for wanting to read our (the characters tell me it belongs to them as much as it does to me) story.

Betty: this is a contemporary with an old world feel to it. Hope you like it.

Rita: There's just something about a cowboy that puts a little extra giddy-up in the pulse, isn't there?

Wilma: With a heart as big as Texas, here's hoping Greg steals your heart and keeps you entertained from beginning to end.

Sharon: After writing to a guy for a couple of years, it's more like meeting an old friend that a stranger.

Debbie: Thank you for that story. Reverse of mine. Mr. B in those days was shy and quiet and I was the brazen hussy!

Re: The Cowboy's Mail Order Bride (2:37pm February 20, 2014):

Carolyn: I'll take that Yee-haw and raise you two in the form of The Cowboy's Mail Order Bride and How to Marry a Cowboy (July)!

GS: It's a story that gets told often because folks wonder how in the world a Tex/Okie ever got acquainted with a Pennsylvania Yankee!

Sue: My mother, bless her heart, took me to the bus station herself and put me on the bus. Looking back, I don't know if she was glad to get rid of her rebel child or if she was hoping I'd find out I'd made a big mistake and come on back home.

Vennie: It does happen, maybe more in today's world than almost 50 years ago. I was determined to make it work to prove my MIL wrong! She said her precious son wouldn't stay with a girl who wore her skirts too short more than six weeks.

Re: The Cowboy's Mail Order Bride (12:42pm February 20, 2014):

Peggy, your comment is my ego trip for the whole day. Things were different then and it wasn't so unusual for girls right out of high school to be planning their wedding.

Jen: Thank you...Hope you enjoy them when you get your hands on them.

Anna: Letter writing has been replaced by the Net, fancy cell phones, FB and texting. I incorporated both in the book. The meddling elderly ladies even go on dating sites, pretend to be Greg and get all mixed up with today's techno-lingo. One thing they learned was "bringing the leather" did not mean a horse riding date! LOL

Gail: Emily didn't plan on being a mail order bride but fate sure had other plans.

Colleen: Thank you so much...hope you like the Cowboys & Brides as much as the other series.

Re: The Cowboy's Mail Order Bride (11:28am February 20, 2014):

Richard: Thank you for stopping by and I hope that when your wife does love the Cowboys & Bride's series.

Karin: I was pretty brazen! LOL

Maria: Greg would love to entertain you with his story. Emily says that she'd love to meet you, also.

Kathy: Me, too. I wrote a historical series several years ago about a whole wagon train full of mail order brides.

Pen: Thank you for stopping by to visit for a spell. Welcome to Garvin and Fannin Counties, Texas!

Barbara: That creates a funny picture in my head...a catalog of women's pictures and a blurb underneath that says "good woman, looking for the perfect husband."

Re: The Cowboy's Mail Order Bride (9:52am February 20, 2014):

Kathleen, don't know if it was spunk, sassy, bull-headedness or just plain ignorance but I'm really glad it worked out. 47 years and counting!

Bonnie: There's just something about a cowboy that takes my breath away. Sure makes it easy to write about them when they live in my head most of the time.

Pam: At the time, and after two years of writing almost every day there at the end, I felt like I knew him. That does not mean we didn't argue but there is an upside to every argument...making up.

Barb: Maple iced ones are my favorite but I will share with you!

Nancy: Emily, Greg, Clarice and the ladies are so excited that you want to read their story!

Beth: Warmth promised in The Cowboy's Mail Order Bride. Giggles, warmth and lots of love.

Linda: Sassy ladies are my trademark. And Miz Emily is pretty sassy.

Leona: Here's hoping you enjoy Ravenna, Texas and fall in love with the characters.

Denise: Cowboys are easy to love, aren't they? One reviewer said that this book has an old world feel to it. I was elated because that's what I was hoping for when I blended the past (real letters) to the present (texting and cell phones)!

Re: The Cowboy's Mail Order Bride (8:17am February 20, 2014):

Good morning, everyone! Thanks, Sara and all the gang at Fresh Fiction for hosting me again. I love visiting here. I've got coffee in one hand and donuts in the other. Y'all come right in and let's visit!

Re: Cowboy Seeks Bride (8:55pm August 22, 2013):

Cathy: You are totally awesome, girl!

Susan: Thank you so so much!

Joanne: Thank you. I'm just flat out tickled pink to hear that.

Re: Cowboy Seeks Bride (6:40pm August 22, 2013):

Britney: Welcome to Texas, darlin'. The O'Donnell's will make you right at home.

Melanie: There's 7 of them to keep you entertained with cowboys and sassy ladies.

Sue: Oh, yes, romance on the rodeo tour, romance on the trail, romance in a watermelon patch...it's everywhere!

Felicia: The first one is Love Drunk Cowboy if you'd like to start reading about the O'Donnell's

Pam: Come on down to Ringgold, Texas and we'll let you "live in that world" for a while.

Re: Cowboy Seeks Bride (4:04pm August 22, 2013):

Betty: Wouldn't it be something if a reality show picked up on the idea?

Susan: Some folks pronounce the name DEW-ARE but the cowboys in Texas just say DEE-WAR. Either way, just holler and he'll come runnin'.

Diane: Thank you. It was a great series to write and I enjoyed every minute!

Re: Cowboy Seeks Bride (2:50pm August 22, 2013):

Colleen: That is so sweet. Thank you! You have just given me my Thursday all-day-ego-trip!

Nancy: Enjoy the O'Donnell family and happy reading!

Re: Cowboy Seeks Bride (1:29pm August 22, 2013):

Wilma: Haley had a few boring moments but not many, not when there were that many hunky cowboys on the trail with her.

Debbie: Thank you, thank you! Love that about them being a guilty pleasure!

Re: Cowboy Seeks Bride (10:10am August 22, 2013):

Sue: Debbie is a lovely person and a fantastic writer, isn't she? I'm sure Dewar and Haley would be delighted for you to read Cowboy Seeks Bride!

Lynn: Welcome to the cattle drive. Have fun and don't forget to tuck in a roll of toilet paper.

Jessica: Bless your heart! I spent many a day down in your stomping grounds and believe me the folks there were just as friendly as they are in the Spikes & Spurs series.

Kathleen: Finn and Sawyer showed up with their hats in their hands and their boots all shined up and I just couldn't refuse them when they started telling me their stories.

Peggy: Here's hoping that Dewar and Haley (And Eeyore, the donkey) entertain you for hours. I loved the cover, too...actually squealed when I opened up the email and there it was. All those stars and that fire just flat out told the story that's between the covers of the book.

Bonnie: I hope you love it...there's a promotion going on with three of the first books in the Spikes & Spurs series and they're back on the shelves at Walmart, Costco and other stores, so keep an eye out for them!

Re: Cowboy Seeks Bride (8:54am August 22, 2013):

Kim: Seeing you in front of my table at the book signing was one of the highlights of RWA this year! Give Lisa a big hug for me for introducing you to my books. We might get into a lot of trouble, girlfriend, if the powers that be saw fit to let us spend too much time together. Oh...keep your boots on...and put away that hanky...Finn and Sawyer are coming back in a spin-off in 2014-15!

Re: Cowboy Seeks Bride (8:49am August 22, 2013):

Lynn: Dewar is blushing but he does love compliments. Folks in some places pronounce it Dew-Are, like the liquor; but most cowboys just say Dee-War. He answers to either one.

Re: Cowboy Seeks Bride (8:14am August 22, 2013):

Good morning to everyone at Fresh Fiction and all you readers...y'all come on in and pull up a chair. We'll visit. Got questions? Dewar and Haley are here with me and we'll be around all day to answer anything you want to know about.

Re: Billion Dollar Cowboy (7:45am June 14, 2013):

I see that a few more have joined the party and left comments. Welcome to north central Texas where the cowboys are sexy and the ladies are sassy. And Clare, Miz Laura, shows how much she really is by the end of the book!

Re: Billion Dollar Cowboy (10:58pm June 13, 2013):

Y'all are making this a great party! And thank you for the comments on the number of books I've published. Someone asked me in an interview a while back why I wrote all the time and I said, "Because it keeps me out of jail. I tend to get into trouble when I get bored and who can be bored with all those cowboys taking up residence in your head."

Re: Billion Dollar Cowboy (7:06pm June 13, 2013):

Carletta, Cheryl and Linda, I'm loving your comments...

Re: Billion Dollar Cowboy (4:03pm June 13, 2013):

I just walked in the door from a two week trip and all y'all's comments made my day and gave me an ego trip that will last for weeks and weeks.
LOVE the love you're showing me today. Now it's off to unpack and get ready to polish up Mason Harper's story (he's the cowboy with those fiesty little girls and it's been a real hoot to write)!
After three days of sitting in a carI'm just so glad to be home that I could do the happy dance. But believe me I can get a lot of plotting done while going down the highway at 70...well maybe it was closer to 80...miles an hour!

Re: Billion Dollar Cowboy (8:27am June 13, 2013):

Hi, Kim! So so glad that you stopped by. And doing the happy dance that you are liking Colton and Laura's story!

Re: Billion Dollar Cowboy (7:37am June 13, 2013):

Good mornin' Bonnie, Laura says to tell you that Colton is even sexier than the picture on the cover.

Re: Billion Dollar Cowboy (7:20am June 13, 2013):

Hi Maureen, thank you. They were sure a fun bunch of cowboys to write about.

Re: Billion Dollar Cowboy (7:19am June 13, 2013):

Good mornin' Miz Dianne, Colton is blushing but you are so right. His eyes are downright sexy.

Re: The Blue-Ribbon Jalape?o Society Jubilee (4:59pm March 10, 2013):

Diane: When we were kids we always looked forward the carnival coming to town.

Anne: Then you should love Cadillac, Texas and all its quirky characters.

Becky: So glad to see you here today. This book is at the Davis Library!

Debbie: We are thinking about doing just that and Thank You for reading my books!

Re: The Blue-Ribbon Jalape?o Society Jubilee (11:56pm March 7, 2013):

Bonnie: Thank you so much. It's always been a dream of mine to write women's fiction. I've written historical, contemporary, series in both, country music and cowboy series and now I finally get to put out a women's fiction! It's so exciting.

Kai: So glad that you liked Red's Hot Cowboy...it was so much fun to write and Lucy plays a part in the future books in that series.

Martha: Credit goes to my awesome editor for the title. I LOVED it so much that I squealed when I heard it the first time!

Re: The Blue-Ribbon Jalape?o Society Jubilee (11:52pm March 7, 2013):

Laura: Trixie really liked the idea of putting a teaser in the back of the last book. Glad that you enjoyed it!

James: Amen! Testify and hallelujah!

Peggy: I LOVED those old carnivals and fairs, too! They were so much fun and the snow cones and cotton candy were wonderful.

Debbi: It does have a bit of spice! Happy Reading!

Jennifer: I'll leave the whining heroines to someone else to write! LOL! A broken cowboy hero...something to definitely think about!

Tina, Meghan, Linda and Rita: Thank y'all so much for dropping by today and good luck on the drawing!

Re: The Blue-Ribbon Jalape?o Society Jubilee (11:46pm March 7, 2013):

Gail, Dianne and Carole: Yes, there are quirky characters but shhh...they think they are just normal folks...normal folks (at the age of almost eighty) do shoot holes in the ceiling with their shotguns, don't they?

Mary: Well, darlin', just come right on down to Cadillac and read all about the folks...they'd just love to make your acquaintance.

Re: The Blue-Ribbon Jalape?o Society Jubilee (11:44pm March 7, 2013):

Susan, Ava and Sheila: Agnes says that if you come to town to look her up...she'd love to visit with you!

Shirley, Vicki and Marjorie: The book actually started off in a real town but Cathy and Marty liked Cadillac so much better and they really thought Clawdy's should be in a small town. There wasn't any living with them until I wrote it just the way they said to do.

Jane, Chelsea and Pam: Small towns have their own way of getting things done. Usually at a lot slower pace than the big city life! That's why Jack came home and settled back down in his home town.

Linda: There really is a Luella and it is really small. My Aunt lives not far from that little town and I love the area!

Re: The Blue-Ribbon Jalape?o Society Jubilee (11:37pm March 7, 2013):

Lucy, Dianne and Kathleen: Welcome to Cadillac...come right on into town and make yourselves at home! Go on in to Clawdy's and have the buffet...it's well worth the price and the gossip is free!

Susan Costner: Southern is what I know so it comes easy for me to write about it!

Re: The Blue-Ribbon Jalape?o Society Jubilee (12:49pm March 7, 2013):

Janis: Small towns are basically alike...one queen bee or she-coon tries to run everything and there's always one who is going to oppose whatever she is doing! LOL

Clare: Thanks for stopping by. Cadillac is a small fictional town but it's close enough to Sherman for Wal-mart and shopping!

Connie: The gossip vines never go dormant or die in Cadillac!

Re: The Blue-Ribbon Jalape?o Society Jubilee (11:41am March 7, 2013):

Sharon: Does that mean you are reading it now? Thank you for the awesome kind words about it.

Carla: Cadillac does have it's secrets. I've lived in small towns my whole life and they tend to have a pulse and heart beat all of their own...and their own secrets which definitely are whispered over coffee or margaritas!

Joy: No recipe for the pepper jelly at the back of the book...darn it, wish I'd thought of that! But there is a little companion cook booklet that goes with the book...Sourcebooks was running a deal that if you sent them the proof of purchase where you'd bought the book, they'd send it to you free. Don't know if that's still going or not...check their FB page!

Karen: THANK YOU! Agnes says that you will like my women's fiction as well as the cowboys!

Re: The Blue-Ribbon Jalape?o Society Jubilee (10:19am March 7, 2013):

Hi Kathy: Good to see you here today and thank you for all your support!

Re: The Blue-Ribbon Jalape?o Society Jubilee (8:52am March 7, 2013):

Bonnie: Welcome to Cadillac...come for the Jubilee and have a good time!

Sandi: Thank you. Hope to see you in Atlanta this summer!

C. E. Hart: Credit for the title goes to the Sourcebooks' staff who worked very hard to come up with just the right title. I LOVED it when it was passed by me for approval! Loved your story about the AG show!

Re: The Blue-Ribbon Jalape?o Society Jubilee (8:04am March 7, 2013):

Good morning everyone! It's great to be back here at Fresh Fiction. I always love to visit y'all!
Donna: There will be three books in this series. The Red Hot Chili Cook-Off (April 2014) and The Yellow Rose Barbecue Ball (TBD). Thank you for asking and I hope you love all three!

Adriane: Miz Agnes says to come on in to Clawdy's, that she would love to meet you, also.

Pat: THANK YOU!! This series is just as sassy as my cowboys. Hope it makes you giggle!

Re: Just A Cowboy And His Baby (11:17pm December 15, 2012):

Theresa, I was raised on country music. It was considered a good Saturday night when Momma could pick up the Grand Ole Opry on her red radio that she set in the bedroom window to get better reception. And don't put your boots up, dawlin', because I'm going to be writing cowboys for a while yet.

Linda: Oh, I do love a cat fight! Thanks for the shout out about Red's Hot Cowboy, which is still on sale for $2.00 at Amazon right now!

Re: Just A Cowboy And His Baby (12:43pm December 15, 2012):

Theresa, so glad that you stopped by today. Bless your heart for giving my books to your friends. That is the sweetest thing! The next cowboy is Billion Dollar Cowboy and kicks off a four book series that is brand new. He's a billionaire and is tired of running from women who only want his money! She could care less about money and wants his heart but that requires a lot of trust on his side and even more on hers after her upbringing. Dewar's story will be out in August and will finish the Spikes & Spurs but...one never knows when one of the O'Donnell's or Rileys will pop up in a cameo appearance in another series! Those cowboys along the Texas border do tend to know one another! Great meeting you, too! And I understand there is an RWA planned out that way again in a few years so look for the sassy gray haired lady having a good time!

Re: Just A Cowboy And His Baby (9:02am December 15, 2012):

Good morning again. It's good to see more people stopping by!
Kai: Writers LOVE to hear that their books help folks get through the rough times so your note means a lot to me. To get away from our own problems sometimes does help us find a solution and books are a great escape.

Mary: Gemma agrees that it is debating and not arguing...at least part of the time.

Re: Just A Cowboy And His Baby (11:03pm December 14, 2012):

Hello, all y'all who've commented since I last checked in. And thank you so much for your comments. I was off to a school Christmas concert tonight where two of my many granddaughters were singing so I got a bit behind.

I'm glad to know that so many of you are familiar with my books and have enjoyed them. And to get your honest opinions on conflict, lack of it or maybe just enough to keep the book interesting and moving. Diane Sallans, I love small towns so that's why I write about them. They have a heart beat and pulse of their own and are so much fun. Renee, hope that you like my cowboys when you get around to reading one. And Kimberly, Sourcebooks does a bang up job on my covers. I usually squeal when I get to see one for the first time!
Merry Christmas everyone. Trace and Gemma send hugs to you all!

Re: Just A Cowboy And His Baby (2:44pm December 14, 2012):

Sandi: It's great to be back here at Fresh Fiction again...love these folks! Here's hoping that Gemma and Trace entertain you with their story. And a very Merry Christmas to you as well!

Re: Just A Cowboy And His Baby (2:17pm December 14, 2012):

Ann: Not realistically they can't and they have to be real for readers to connect with them. My first editor told me that I could not put my hero and heroine on a picnic blanket and let them fall in love. I had to put them on a shaky limb in a tree and throw rocks at them. It works! LOL

Danielle: Thank you! I hope that you love it when you get a chance to read it!

Re: Just A Cowboy And His Baby (12:48pm December 14, 2012):

Rebecca: Oh, yes and Gemma says that making up after a good rousting discussion is so much fun!

Peg: That is the sweetest comment. Every author prays that she/he can connect with their readers liek that and make their characters into real people. Dewar's story is scheduled to come out next year and that will be the last Spikes & Spurs but a brand new series is in the works...Cowboys & Brides! So don't put your spurs away!

Re: Just A Cowboy And His Baby (11:46am December 14, 2012):

May: A bit of conflict sure spices up the story, doesn' it?

Cathy: Thank you! I hope you like it when you read it!

Re: Just A Cowboy And His Baby (10:15am December 14, 2012):

Robin: You got it! The best part of an argument is the making up!

Kim: Thank you, thank you! You've made my day!

Beth: Gemma likes your answer very much. Can't wait to see what you think of the twist at the end of the book.

Nicole: Gemma didn't back down a bit from Trace; but neither did he. They gave it all they had from start to finish but still only one could win...or could they?

Monica: I've always said that nobody in any relationship, friendship, marriage or business, can live together or work together 24/7 and not have a conflict once in a while.

Re: Just A Cowboy And His Baby (9:02am December 14, 2012):

Good morning Aida! Gemma is so very excited to be on the bookshelves this month. She grabbed Trace and danced a two step all over my office floor when she saw her picture on the cover with Trace!

Re: Just A Cowboy And His Baby (8:23am December 14, 2012):

Debbie: Thank you. Comments like that sure make my job easier when I'm staring at a blank computer screen!
Judith: Gemma is excited about this book. She had begun to think her turn to tell her story was never coming. Happy Reading when you get it in your hands.

Irene: Trace has a big smile on his face. He really did make a wonderful hero and Gemma turned out to be a solid heroine with a heart of gold...even if it was covered with a layer of sass.

Allie: Gemma says that it takes a strong woman to tame a cowboy but Trace swears it took a stronger cowboy to keep Gemma on her toes. Good luck with on the drawing!

Carla: There is lots of pulse risin' and eyes flashin' in Just a Cowboy and His Baby! With all those older brothers, Gemma is pretty darn competitive.

Clare: You got out the hammer early this morning and hit the nail on the head. Gemma figured it was her last chance at a rodeo tour if she wanted to settle down and have a family, which was important to her and which is something she really wanted. It does make for a lot of conflict and a heavy determination to be a winner at the Las Vegas rodeo!

Re: Just A Cowboy And His Baby (8:14am December 14, 2012):

Good morning! It's sure great to get up this morning and find folks already here at Fresh Fiction ready to talk about Gemma and Trace!

Re: Mistletoe Cowboy (3:24pm October 27, 2012):

Hello to all of you who have commented TODAY! Thank you for coming by and reassuring me that you like series and you like seeing characters revisit in later books. I'm glad that you can lose yourself in the setting and get to know the characters. Love that you said, they ARE real, Lynn. And I really liked that you mentioned they stayed in your heart! What wonderful praise!

Re: Mistletoe Cowboy (8:21am October 27, 2012):

Samantha, Stacey and Maureen: Yes, yes, yes...as a reader I want the characters to "come off the page" and be live, breathing souls, also. As a writer, I'm always striving for that,not only in the hero and heroine but in secondary characters. One never knows when a secondary character will stand up and demand their own story!

Re: Mistletoe Cowboy (11:35pm October 26, 2012):

Rita, Alyson, Peggy, Mary, Nancy, Barbara and Larena: Y'all are the best! Thank you so much for continuing to read. Without our readers, authors would be listed right up there at the top of the endangered species list! I'm grateful for all of you!

Re: Mistletoe Cowboy (8:03pm October 26, 2012):

Sue, I'd just love for you to dive right into Creed and Sage's story.

Re: Mistletoe Cowboy (7:48pm October 26, 2012):

Shelly, I sure do think the book matches the cover very well from the sprig of mistletoe to the black and red plaid shirt.
Kai, you are so right. Cameo appearances are a lot like meeting an old friend on the street and having a couple of minutes to catch up.
Beth, yes ma'am, I'm in agreement. A good soft plaid shirt with a nice hard muscular chest...yummy!
Emily, when they are so real that you think they are the folks down the street, then the author has done a good job!
Kimberly, hats off to the designing gods at Sourcebooks for my fabulous covers. They are simply awesome.
Jennifer, happy reading!
Thank you all for taking time to stop in and leave a comment. This has been such a fun day!

Re: Mistletoe Cowboy (5:58pm October 26, 2012):

Joanne, Linda and Roseann: Thank you for dropping in today! It's always such a pleasure to stop here on my blog tour and visit with all you lovely folks. Linda, Creed and Sage were delighted to hear that you are interested in their story. Jaonne, the characters do become like family, don't they. My sweet aunt was reading one of my books once and said that she laid it down and wondered if that family went to her church! Roseann, nothing much better than romance with a sexy cowboy!

Re: Mistletoe Cowboy (4:06pm October 26, 2012):

Shirley, how delightful to "meet" someone from Post, Texas. It was such a sweet little town to visit and the people there were so friendly. I could easily set a future book right there!

Re: Mistletoe Cowboy (4:05pm October 26, 2012):

I left to do some rewriting on Billion Dollar Cowboy and came back to find even more wonderful comments. Thank you, Theresa, Shannon, May, Chelsea, Cheryl, Leanne, May and Shelly for stoppign by and leaving comments. Your input means a lot to me and I value what you have said. Writing a series about a family is rewarding and difficult at the same time. I get to revisit old haunts and see about my characters but then each book has to be a stand alone title so it has to have it's own world built around it.

Re: Mistletoe Cowboy (2:43pm October 26, 2012):

Ann, Good luck on the drawing! And I do hope you enjoy your time with Creed and Sage when you get your hands on the book!

Re: Mistletoe Cowboy (2:42pm October 26, 2012):

Sandy and Holly, thank you both for stopping by and leaving a comment. You never know when Creed and Sage will pop up in another book!

Re: Mistletoe Cowboy (2:41pm October 26, 2012):

Colleen: As a reader, that's why I like series, too. As a writer, it's always fun to revisit previous characters as well to see if they're enjoying their HEA!

Re: Mistletoe Cowboy (2:40pm October 26, 2012):

Cynthia: YAY! Keep your boots on, there are more on the way!

Re: Mistletoe Cowboy (2:39pm October 26, 2012):

Sheila, Isn't that the truth? If we don't feel what the characters feel then we just want to toss the book aside. Thanks for commenting.

Re: Mistletoe Cowboy (1:25pm October 26, 2012):

Cathy, Welcome to the Palo Duro Canyon...where you hopefully will get cold, hot and enjoy a whole range of emotions with Sage and Creed as they battle the obstacles trying to figure out their Happy Ever After.

Re: Mistletoe Cowboy (1:23pm October 26, 2012):

Anna, Creed and Sage hope that they can touch your emotions just like that in Mistletoe Cowboy!

Re: Mistletoe Cowboy (1:22pm October 26, 2012):

Carla, I LOVE IT! When I'm writing I hope that is the reaction I get from my readers when they get their hands on my books!

Re: Lady Louisa's Christmas Knight (12:10pm October 26, 2012):

Alisha, you will LOVE Grace's writing. She's a superstar, believe me!

Re: Mistletoe Cowboy (12:04pm October 26, 2012):

Marjorie: That is exactly what a writer likes to hear. If we can bring our characters to life for you, then we've accomplished what we set out to do!

Re: Mistletoe Cowboy (12:03pm October 26, 2012):

Alisha: Glad to see you popping by today. So glad that you continue to like my cowboys!

Re: Mistletoe Cowboy (12:02pm October 26, 2012):

Maguerite: Thank you. This series ran to seven books before it ends with Dewar's story next August. Look for Just a Cowboy and His Baby (Gemma's story) in December! I'm glad you enjoy series.

Re: Mistletoe Cowboy (12:00pm October 26, 2012):

Carole: You note may be my ego trip for this day. Thank you so much!

Re: Mistletoe Cowboy (11:48am October 26, 2012):

Good morning everyone! I've got coffee in my hand and I'm ready for comments or to answer any questions! So come on in and let's visit!

Re: One Hot Cowboy Wedding (11:38pm April 10, 2012):

WOW!! I LOVE hearing that you folks love my books...keep your boots and Stetsons on folks...there are more on the way!

Re: One Hot Cowboy Wedding (10:45pm April 9, 2012):

My thanks again to all who continue to drop by to visit with me on this site. All of my cowboys are tipping their hats to those who've read their stories and my sassy ladies are happy to know that you like their attitude!

Re: One Hot Cowboy Wedding (8:26am April 9, 2012):

What a fun visit here at Fresh Fiction...Jasmine and Ace have loved the attention almost as much as I have.

Re: One Hot Cowboy Wedding (8:28pm April 8, 2012):

Your comments are putting the icing on my Easter cupcakes...thank you so much for dropping by on this busy day.

Re: One Hot Cowboy Wedding (4:10pm April 8, 2012):

Oh, my, you folks do love your cowboys and better yet, you know what a cowgirl needs and wants in a cowboy! Good luck to everyone on the draw!

Re: One Hot Cowboy Wedding (12:42pm April 8, 2012):

Having a wonderful day with all you folks. @Kathleen, love that iea of an American Knight. He's got the white horse and his armor can be tight fittin' jeans, boots and a cowboy hat!

Re: One Hot Cowboy Wedding (10:07am April 8, 2012):

Ann, Pam and Maureen, thank you for your input...of course, Ace can fill the bill with all the qualities!

Re: One Hot Cowboy Wedding (8:16am April 8, 2012):

HAPPY EASTER everyone! Thanks to all you early risers for taking time on Easter morning to drop by for a visit! I appreciate the comments and agree with you all...cowboys are quite the package and they are heroes who know exactly how to treat a woman.

Re: Tall, Dark And Cowboy (2:00pm November 7, 2011):

Hi Joanne. Love the post! I've started over so many times and each time has been a wonderful adventure.

Re: Darn Good Cowboy Christmas (8:32am November 6, 2011):

Lisa: Maybe you'd better kiss Santa on the earlobe when you whisper that one in his ear.
Susan: You are so sweet to use your wish for homeless animals. I bet Santa works extra hard on that one!

Re: Darn Good Cowboy Christmas (8:34pm November 5, 2011):

Diana, thank you for talking about my books on the chatgroup! And I agree about commercialism. Family and food is sure fun, isn't it?

Re: Darn Good Cowboy Christmas (5:31pm November 5, 2011):

Linda: You are a sweetheart!
Joanne: I betcha Santa can do that!
Lori: You got it, girl!
Lynn: So glad that you liked visiting the Honky Tonk.
Stephanie: I betcha if you leave that comment lying on Santa's nightstand, he'll darn sure come up with a hotel room!

Re: Darn Good Cowboy Christmas (11:21pm November 4, 2011):

Santa, I'm seeing some very important wishes among this list, and it looks to me like these folks have been pretty dang good this year. So please grant them their wishes, especially those having trying or difficult issues in their lives!

Re: Darn Good Cowboy Christmas (8:40pm November 4, 2011):

J. Lee Chase: I won't tell but keep an eye out for Liz. She's pretty possessive of Raylen. LOL
Patti: If Santa answers that you let me know how it works. I don't let Husband see me weigh in at the doctors and I make the nurse sign an affadivit in blood saying she will never say the numbers on that lyin' scale out loud. He still thinks I weigh only slightly more than I did when he married me, and that's why he will always have glasses and not contacts!

Re: Darn Good Cowboy Christmas (8:22pm November 4, 2011):

I'm either sighing or giggling at your wishes. Bless your heart Susan for wanting a whole Carolyn Brown library! Love the idea of a winning lottery ticket, Jennifer. I'll take one of those too, please! This has been such a fun day with you all!

Re: Darn Good Cowboy Christmas (4:42pm November 4, 2011):

Rosemary: And then bring the elves back to un-decorate it, right? LOL
Linda: Family...yes! It's a zoo at my house when they are all together and we love it.
May Pau: Betcha Santa can arrange that baby sister idea...and being a writer, I love the idea of more books in your stocking.

Re: Darn Good Cowboy Christmas (3:36pm November 4, 2011):

Cecilia, Anne and Peggy: Bless your hearts for stopping by and being so forth coming with your comments. May the holidays be good to you all and may your wishes all come true. Santa often has a way of taking care of things that seems magical!

Re: Darn Good Cowboy Christmas (1:57pm November 4, 2011):

Cate: What a lovely wish!

Re: Darn Good Cowboy Christmas (1:56pm November 4, 2011):

Kathleen: Welcome to the Honky Tonk. Hope you are enjoying your time there! When you get up Christmas morning, here's hoping there's a new car in your garage!

Re: Darn Good Cowboy Christmas (1:16pm November 4, 2011):

Hello everyone again. I came back for doing some writing on my WIP to find all of you wonderful folks. I'm amazed at how antimaterialistic your wishes for Christmas are. If I had some pixy dust I'd sprinkle it on the computer screen so that all of your sweet wishes would be filled. May your holidays be filled with joy!

Re: Darn Good Cowboy Christmas (10:34am November 4, 2011):

Sandra: Oh, yes! I could agree with every bit of that wish.

Re: Darn Good Cowboy Christmas (10:34am November 4, 2011):

Barbara: I'm so sorry. May your luck turn around this next year and everything be wonderful!

Re: Darn Good Cowboy Christmas (10:33am November 4, 2011):

Nancy: Bless your heart! It's readers like you that keep writers encouraged!

Re: Darn Good Cowboy Christmas (8:45am November 4, 2011):

Colleen: It's awesome that you took time out of your busy writing schedule to stop by this morning. Thank you for the sweet words about Darn Good Cowboy Christmas! So glad you liked it. For those of you who don't know C. H. Admirand, she's a fantastic author who will have a brand new cowboy romance (another addition to the Secret Life of Cowboys series) on the market in a few weeks!

Re: Darn Good Cowboy Christmas (8:02am November 4, 2011):

Merry Christmas (early) and good morning, everyone. First, Thank you Sara and everyone at Fresh Fiction for letting me catch a breather here at Fresh Fiction on my blog tour. It's great to be here again.
Carla: What a sweet gesture to wish something for your friend. You definitely deserve a copy of Darn Good Cowboy Christmas!
Lisa: May Santa work his magic and your kids arrive with smiles and hugs on Christmas day.
Craig: Bless your mother-in-law's heart!

Re: Red's Hot Cowboy (11:22pm August 24, 2011):

Hey, it's great to see more folks arriving at this blog party! Elizabeth, glad you liked those recipes. The punch has showed up at our family affairs and showers for the past...whew! I almost said how long and it scared me! I love car trips and Blake (did I mention that he and Miranda make their home in my home town of Tishomingo, Oklahoma). I'd love to hear from all of you if and when you read my cowboy romance. Drop me a note at [email protected]
and for those of you who haven't heard me shouting from the roof tops, Love Drunk Cowboy made both the NYT and the USA Today best seller lists! And Sherie, I met the lady who owned the real pair of boots this summer in NYC. Great experience when my publisher brought her over and introduced her to to me!

Re: Red's Hot Cowboy (9:07pm August 24, 2011):

Hello again...y'all are simply great commenters! Love the idea of it getting hot! Maybe I should talk to my publicist about packaging the books with a coupon on the back for a free bag of ice!
Glad some of you are already reading my cowboy books!

Re: Red's Hot Cowboy (6:31pm August 24, 2011):

I just got home from my research trip to find all these wonderful comments. Lord, I think it's better than my birthday and Christmas all rolled up together. Thank you everyone for stopping by today...comments like this are what makes me gear up to start a brand new hot cowboy romance come Monday morning! I sincerely hope that Red's Hot Cowboy gets you in the mood for a few more!

Re: Red's Hot Cowboy (8:47am August 24, 2011):

Pat: I'm on a research trip this week...from North Texas to Dodge City, Kansas, back through the panhandle of Texas to see the Palo Duro Canyon and then home to write two more cowboy stories. Dewar O'Donnell's story will involve the Dodge City trip; Creed Riley (Ace's bother) the Palo Duro part of the trip. Then I will work on my second woman's fiction (First will be out fall of 2012 and published by Sourcebooks).

Re: Red's Hot Cowboy (8:30am August 24, 2011):

Good morning everyone! Mercy but some of you get up early! I'm on the road today...research trip for the next hot cowboy book...but I'll be in an out all day.
Thanks to everyone who has commented and good luck to everyone on the contest.
Love it that y'all all (that's plural for all of you to those of you who might not understand Redneck LOL) love cowboys as much as I do.
And Cheryl, if it weren't for cowgirls, those old cowboys wouldn't be as tame as they are. It takes a spicy cowgirl to tame a cowboy and Pearl is just the woman to put the reins on Wil Marshall.

Re: Love Drunk Cowboy (9:37am May 7, 2011):

Karen: That cowboy hat trick is right sexy, isn't it? Makes a woman want to lean in real close and see if his eyes are twinkling.
Charlene: Good luck and if you are a winner...happy reading!
Cindi: Thank you for stopping by and a good cowboy would kill those bugs for you, darlin', in a heart beat and then put on some music and two step with you to take your mind off those wicked critters!

Re: Love Drunk Cowboy (7:47pm May 5, 2011):

Helen: Me, either, on the heels. Used to wear them to work but now that I am privileged to be a full time writer, I get to choose my attire...mismatched pajamas and flip flops! LOL

Re: Love Drunk Cowboy (3:46pm May 5, 2011):

Diane: LOVE that attitude. Betcha there's a cowboy waiting for you, just ready to tattoo your name on his big old bicep!

Re: Love Drunk Cowboy (3:18pm May 5, 2011):

Kelli: I'm sure tht teal ones would do just fine! I do like an adventurous soul!
Mona: It's not difficult to develop a "thing for cowboys"...especially when they are so dang sexy.
Shonda: Amen, darlin'!

Re: Love Drunk Cowboy (7:36am May 5, 2011):

Jessica: Then you'll love Terral, Oklahoma!
Frances: Thank you!!! It's the first of a seven book series!

Re: Love Drunk Cowboy (11:01pm May 4, 2011):

May Pau: Rye has two more brothers who might be interested in getting you into or out of boots!
Lisa: And I bet you'd be willin' for two-steppin' and line dancin', too...and maybe a taste of watermelon wine?
Pat: Hi lady! Nice to see a familiar name! I'm so glad that you enjoy my books!

Re: Love Drunk Cowboy (10:25pm May 4, 2011):

Cynthia: Oh, yeah! When you buy the boots you get the cowboy!
Brenda Rupp: Ouch!! That reminds me of the first cowboy commandment: Never squat with your spurs on!
Robin: Yes, ma'am. That drawl is the selling point.

Re: Love Drunk Cowboy (8:23pm May 4, 2011):

Marcelle: Don't you just love those bronc riders? I'd love to visit CO again. It's been years since I was in that state.
Maude: You have stolen my heart! I'm only a 4th generation Texan (by birth).
Jennifer: When you do drop me a line and let me know if you like the story as well as the cover.
Barbara: You should've been there to talk to Austin when the doubts rose up to aggravate her.
Mary: You got it...just take off those shoes, boots, heels, whatever, and kiss that cowboy!
Cheryl: No, not a drunk one...one that can dance and knows all the right things to say!
Karla: Thank you! Writing cowboy stories is a lot of fun, too.
Leni: Maybe reading the Spikes & Spurs series will "take you away" like an airplane ticket to Texas.
Diane: Then you are going to love Spikes & Spurs!!

Re: Love Drunk Cowboy (5:48pm May 4, 2011):

Wilma: Good luck on the drawing! And should you win, I surely do hope you enjoy it!

Re: Love Drunk Cowboy (3:45pm May 4, 2011):

Desiree: No, there are no family members but don't tell my son-in-law, Todd. Since he and my daughter live in Terral, he thinks he's the role model Rye.
Rosemary: I love that story! We were in a DQ out in West Texas and this young boy came in all dressed in jeans and spurs. I struck up a conversation with him...nice kid! Reminded me of characters in my books.
Anna: Never too late, darlin'! You can two-step in flip flops!
Tammy: Roots must be callin' to you to come home. Hope you make it soon.
Sue: And I bet you are a happy woman! There's just something about the slow way of life in a small town or the country.
Terry: Good luck!!
Leanna: Then you will love the Spikes & Spurs series and be right at home when you read yourself into the story.
Cathy: Hello and thank you! Maybe after you read Love Drunk Cowboy, I won't be a new author anymore! Are your cowgirl boots red? I just love the red ones!

Re: Love Drunk Cowboy (1:45pm May 4, 2011):

Shirley: They are yummy aren't they...the cowboys, not those high heels! LOL! Sourcebooks does a fine job of making my covers look just like the cowboys I write about.
Stacie: Come on back home, darlin'. Put your boots on and let your roots grow on back down where they want to be!

Re: Love Drunk Cowboy (1:28pm May 4, 2011):

Sherie: That particular model comes with boots but they do come right off. Beware though, Austin is the jealous type.
Joanne: It's here and more are coming in right behind it. Get ready for cowboy reading!

Re: Love Drunk Cowboy (12:57pm May 4, 2011):

I left for an hour and came back to a room full of guests! Thank all of you for stopping by and visiting with me.
Leisa: Just kick 'em off and settle in with a copy of Love Drunk Cowboy!
Cheryl: Reading about cowboys is almost as good as two-steppin' with one. We won't tell Husband what you are thinkin' about as you read!
Marjorie: Today we are high and dry. The sun is out and the flowers are blooming!
Jody: Love Ariats! Happy reading!
Cate: Watermelon wine is very sweet and very good! Beware, it does have a little kick as Austin and Rye can tell you!
Mary Anne: Amen on running in high heels. Your dream man is out there...keep lookin' and like I told my daughter, don't shut the door when opportunity knocks. You never know what's on the other side.
Kathleen: You are preachin' to the choir! The way some of my family gets around that issue is they take their boots to the boot shop and have zippers put on the inside seam.
Debbi: Happy reading!!

Re: Love Drunk Cowboy (11:54am May 4, 2011):

MaryEllen: Come on down to the Red River and meet the cowboys in the Spikes & Spurs series. You'll never wear high heels again.
Renee: Thank you! I hope you enjoy it.
Tanya: Bless your heart! The next one, Red's Hot Cowboy, was a Sept. release but it has been bumped up to Aug. 2...so the wait isn't too long! Let me hear what you think of Love Drunk Cowboy when you get it finished. I love hearing from readers.

Re: Love Drunk Cowboy (8:44am May 4, 2011):

Mary: You're going to love Terral, Oklahoma with your attitude!
Peggy: Thank you and I hope you enjoy the Spikes & Spurs series. I betcha there are cowboys with those properties just waiting for a good woman like you.
Dawn: I hear you! There's just something about cowboys that makes a woman sigh or want to two-step!

Re: Love Drunk Cowboy (7:21am May 4, 2011):

Good morning everyone! It's great to be here today! Glad to see some folks have already arrived!
Sigrun: The Red River I'm talking about separates Oklahoma and Texas. And yes, all the books are related. And the series has now grown to seven books to be spread out over 2011 and 2012.
Darci: Yes, ma'am. That's exactly what Austin came to realize. The office didn't have as much allure once she got her hands in the dirt.
June: Ahhh, bare foot in the yard! I love it!!!

Re: Honky Tonk Christmas (12:36pm November 21, 2010):

Barbara: Thank you! Those are some eye catching covers, aren't they? The folks at Sourcebooks really did a wonderful job.
JaneAnn: Happy Reading! Hope you like them.
Kai Wong: Carrie Underwood is fantastic. She has songs on my jukebox inside the Honky Tonk!
Carrie: Good luck.

Re: Honky Tonk Christmas (8:15am November 20, 2010):

Jennifer: Thank you! Glad you liked them.
Barbara: Have fun getting to meet my sexy cowboys and sassy ladies.
Linda: You are my kind of lady if you like both cowboy romance and country music. Good luck!
Darci: Amen ...
Sue: Then you'll get right into the Honky Tonk series ... and the Lucky series.
Cate: Yes, ma'am. Old and new, all country and still great!

Re: Honky Tonk Christmas (10:25pm November 19, 2010):

Mary: My daughter's second favorite music is blues so we get a dose of it pretty often, too.
Alyson: You got it! That cover does a fine job of showing everyone Holt's attitude.
Maureen: I saw Faith and Tim at Fan Fair in Nashville. They are as real as their music!
April: Bless your heart for reading my work! Hope you like the next series as well.
Val: Have a good time with the Honky Tonk ladies and the men who win their hearts.
Brenda: Enjoy your holiday and time with your mom and family. That's so very important!
Thanks to everyone who has commented today. You've all been great to visit with! I always love coming to Fresh Fiction for a stop on my blog tour. Visit me anytime at www.carolynlbrown.com

Re: Honky Tonk Christmas (4:47pm November 19, 2010):

Ivy: Glad you like those covers! I squealed when I saw them the first time.
Maude: You are so right about music being able to inspire and heal. It's a wonderful thing!

Re: Honky Tonk Christmas (4:05pm November 19, 2010):

Helen: Thank you ... they were sure a lot of fun to write. Seemed like the characters were right there with me the whole time.
Sue: I cut my teeth on Miss Loretta and Miss Patsy. Still love them. Both of them have songs on the old juke box at the Tonk.
Anne: Those old songs just tell the tale of life, don't they?

Re: Honky Tonk Christmas (3:31pm November 19, 2010):

Robin: Step inside the Tonk and meet Sharlene and Holt!
John: Bless your heart. I'm glad you like them.
Leni: Those are precious things to be thankful for!
Marlene: My grandpa played the fiddle. Laid it down and came home the night I was born because I was his first grandchild. Family story is that I broke up the dance!
Natalie: 'Tis the season. Good luck on the contest!

Re: Honky Tonk Christmas (2:40pm November 19, 2010):

Cynthia: Good luck on the contest. Titles were a joint effort with my editor, Deb Werksman. I have to admit, I had other titles in mind, but when she wanted to do songs as titles, I was on board one hundred percent.
Amanda: Yes, ma'am. I'm in total agreement.
Colleen: Family is precious! Sharlene finds out how much in Honky Tonk Christmas!

Re: Honky Tonk Christmas (10:24am November 19, 2010):

Michele: Pick up I Love This Bar and enter the Honky Tonk ... have fun:
Valerie: Little miracles are wonderful ... My husband was in Germany when we met ... via the mail service.
Pat: You are in my part of the world. Great place to be!

Re: Honky Tonk Christmas (9:13am November 19, 2010):

Jeanne: What a wonderful story. Isn't Nashville great! We had the privilege of attending the last Fan Fair festival at the old fair grounds in 2000. Now it's called something else and held at the football stadium but it's still got the same great stars, the same great music and the same hospitality. I was heartsick for those folks, too, and am glad to know that things are slowly getting back to normal.

Re: Honky Tonk Christmas (8:51am November 19, 2010):

Barbara: I'd love to hear them sing ... especially those "old" songs". Glad you liked the books. I loved the characters in them.

Re: Honky Tonk Christmas (8:46am November 19, 2010):

Good morning everyone! It's great to be here today.
Mischele: What goes on in the Honky Tonk stays in the Honky Tonk. Come around and listen to Garth anytime you want to!
Marjorie: Thank you!
Victoria: Amen! On both a supportive husband and strong women. Both are a blessing!
Karen: Family is truly wonderful. They half the sorrows by taking our burden on their shoulders and double the joys by sharing in our happiness.
April: My daughter thinks they should package the Honky Tonk Series with bibs for the drooling that the hot covers cause. Gotta love Willie, Waylon, Merle and the new fellers, Blake, Josh and Jamie, too! Country music is life in a song.

Re: The Taming Of The Wolf (3:46pm November 18, 2010):

I love 1, 2 and 3 ... That would make a werewolf worth having around right there!

Re: Hero (8:06am August 19, 2010):

Loved the interview. Your latest is waiting on the top of my TBR list!
Carolyn Brown

Re: Lucky Break (8:10pm August 13, 2010):

Hi Sandi!
Was wonderful to have a few minutes with you in Orlando!
If I'm reading or writing the whole house can fall in around me and I wouldn't even smell the mold and dust! LOL
Thank goodness for an understanding husband who knows how to use a dust mop and do laundry!
Carolyn Brown

Re: Hell, Yeah (8:07pm August 13, 2010):

Hey, y'all!
Carly: No, Cathy is a brave woman but he did have to loan her his broad shoulders when the ordeal was finished.
Karen: Happy Reading!
Ivy: I wrote a book called "The Wager" that the heroine's name was Ivy. It's will be a Japanese Manga book before long. Still love the name and the fiesty heroine.
Rose: Thank you and I hope you enjoy the series.
Carolyn B.

Re: Hell, Yeah (12:16pm August 12, 2010):

Hello, again!
Ivy: I love your name. My Give A Damn's Busted plays a big part in the book so get ready for it.
Brenda: Me, too. Toby Keith is one of my favorites ... and he's a fellow Okie right along with Blake Shelton.
Helen: Happy reading and Good Luck!
Patricia: Travis says to tell you that he's just a cowboy who was on a job but his heart got in the way when he kissed Cathy. Enjoy reading the Honky Tonk Series.
Carolyn B.

Re: Hell, Yeah (10:20pm August 11, 2010):

Today has been so much fun.
Alyson: Yep, that's exactly the feel I want from the Honky Tonk series.
Carole: Travis didn't come back to Mingus. He'd never been there before but his boss, Amos Lambert, said he had to do a job there before he could go to his ultimate dream job in Alaska. He doesn't even know why he's so crazy in love with Cathy ... but he's pretty danged determined to find out.
Sue: He'd tell you but I think it's national security.
Amy: Bless your heart, my daughter.
Armenia: Thank you! Hope you enjoy the whole series.
Pat: Get a cup of coffee, a chunk of cheesecake, turn off the phones and read away.
Thank you all for your comments.
Carolyn Brown

Re: Hell, Yeah (1:28pm August 11, 2010):

Vickie: Thank you so much.
Cheryl: Travis likes all country music so it would be hard to pin him down on a particular song.
Colleen: "Behind Closed Doors" by Charlie Rich.
Off to lunch now ... will be back in an hour or so.
Carolyn Brown

Re: Hell, Yeah (12:32pm August 11, 2010):

Hey, hey, more comments! That's great!
Kelli: Damn she's good lookin'!
Gigi: Come on down to the Honky Tonk and get to know Cathy. She's a true and faithful friend.
Cathie: Yep, but when they do, he takes them off! Got hot flashes yet?
GS: Because that's when everyone kisses someone and he didn't have anyone to kiss to bring in the New Year!
Keep the comments coming ...

Re: Hell, Yeah (10:46am August 11, 2010):

I'm back for a few minutes. Peggy: Travis came to Mingus because he's a crack geologist and works for Lambert Oil Company. They are drilling a well near there and since Amos Lambert owns the property right behind the Honky Tonk that's where he decides to put his trailer hook-ups and business trailer for the company. He's a gentleman but it's not easy.
Leni: Cathy might yank you baldheaded if she found Travis heading over to your place but she'd be real quick to fix you up with a cowboy just as sexy right from the Honky Tonk so stop on by and tell her what you'd like.
April: Yep, he is!
More later. Back to work!
Carolyn B.

Re: Hell, Yeah (9:16am August 11, 2010):

Hello everyone!
It's great to be here this morning and I'm loving your comments. Some of you are surely early risers!
Jane: Travis loves Cathy's sass more than anything. Joanne: Travis' derring-do comes from his self confidence which Cathy tests on a daily basis. Kimberly: Yes, ma'am!!
Keep the comments coming. I'll be checkin' in all day!
Thank you,
Carolyn Brown

Re: I Love This Bar (3:59pm June 4, 2010):

Bless your hearts for continuing to leave comments for me! Jarod does have that affect on a woman ... Daisy sure had trouble resisting his southern twang and good looks!
Carolyn Brown

Re: I Love This Bar (10:32pm June 3, 2010):

This has been so much fun today. Thank you for all your comments. Good Luck on the drawing!
Carolyn Brown

Re: I Love This Bar (2:08pm June 3, 2010):

I'm back again ... Love that you are all excited about a cowboy series!
Carolyn Brown

Re: I Love This Bar (11:22am June 3, 2010):

Loving your comments! That Jarod is one sexy chunk of eye candy, isn't it? Chigger, one of the quirky characters in the book, refers to him as sex-on-a-stick!
Carolyn Brown

Re: I Love This Bar (9:39am June 3, 2010):

Thanks for the comments ... and it could happen ... Daisy didn't think it would or could but it did and it sure put some kinks in her routine!
Happy reading,
Carolyn Brown

Re: I Love This Bar (7:55am June 3, 2010):

Good Morning everyone!
Today is my first blog to kick off the brand spanking new Honky Tonk Series, with I Love This Bar. Let me hear your thoughts!
Carolyn Brown

Re: Getting Lucky (2:20pm January 19, 2010):

Then you should love the Lucky Series! Lucky in Love, Sept.; One Lucky Cowboy, Nov.; and Getting Lucky, Jan.
The same story with my new Honky Tonk Series: I LOVE THIS BAR, June; HELL, YEAH, August; MY GIVE A DAMN'S BUSTED, Oct.; and A HONKY TONK CHRISTMAS, Nov.
No waiting a year on any of them. Happy reading.
Carolyn Brown

Re: Getting Lucky (9:35pm January 18, 2010):

Thanks to everyone for your comments. Good luck to the entry that wins and may you enjoy all three books.
Carolyn Brown

Re: Getting Lucky (9:15am January 18, 2010):

Good morning,
Thanks for letting me stop on your site on my blog tour! It's great to be here. Thanks to everyone for all your comments today. Good luck in the contest and happy reading.
Carolyn Brown

Re: One Lucky Cowboy (7:26pm November 7, 2009):

Thank you, Diana! I really enjoyed Jane and Slade. Glad you did, too! Look for a little update on them in Getting Lucky ... Carolyn Brown

Re: One Lucky Cowboy (9:37pm November 5, 2009):

Thanks to everyone who's stopped by for a visit with me today. It's been fun!
Carolyn Brown

Re: One Lucky Cowboy (2:07pm November 5, 2009):

Hello again,
A little inside trader's note! LOL! Doubleday Book Club, Rhapsody Book Club and Book of the Month Club are all offering the books, too. So if you are a member of any of those you can find them there! They've bought the exclusive rights to reprint in hardback. Ali, it was great talking to you on Sunday.
Carolyn Brown

Re: One Lucky Cowboy (9:23am November 5, 2009):

Hello everyone,
Thanks for having me on your site today. It's a pleasure to be here to introduce you to Ellacyn Hayes, aka Jane Day. Happy reading!

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