Life as Alan Carman knew it is over. After he was
captured and tortured by a mysterious enemy, the lawyer's
latent grizzly-shifter DNA was triggered. The old Alan is
gone, and in his place is a terrifying vicious beast that
lives and breathes for revenge. He will track down the
person who did this to him-and it'll be the last thing he
ever does.
Tonya Kappes refuses to let Alan run headlong to his
death. A bear-shifting deputy-and the Gladwin Clan's
beta-Tonya faces Alan with one weapon: the love that's
lingered between them since they were kids. But the
idealistic man she knew has changed...into something raw,
primal, and unbelievably sexy, igniting every lustful
cell in her body. And, if Alan can't learn to love the
beast inside himself, maybe he can love the animal in her
. . .
I think you are doing a wonderful job! I LOVE shifter romance novels! I read them all the time. They definitely do lift my spirit! Now as far as the changing the world. I think you should do volunteering at places around your town. Or maybe do talks at schools to get kids into helping the community, recycling, helping other, picking up trash and reading. This generation is being destroyed by social media and the mainstream news. Telling kids that its cool to be gay, when they dont even understand any of it (I am not anit-gay) I just dont like the way the media is pushing this agenda onto kids. This generation needs help. I'm not quite sure how exactly to help them but I think reading is a start. (Jaclyn Kolhoff 7:43pm March 2, 2017)
I know exactly what you mean Kathy/Jade. I am careful with my FB posting because I have "friend and family" who don't get the healing and positives of the romance book genre. Your attitude is exactly why you are on a favored author list. Keep up writing your stories of love and the healing joy it brings. I try to pass smiles and joy to others and seek to find ways to help others. Today I was the recipient of that from two women at our local BN Bookstore. I can tell you I felt uplifted when I left. Get involved in what's important to you by supporting others and encouraging those who are effective to act. If you look the opportunities will appear when you seek them. I have faith. (Lenna Hendershott 6:35pm March 3, 2017)
I love your plots! Can't wait for more. (Amber Niebaum 12:52pm March 4, 2017)
To change the world you have to start at the bottom no matter how small, it will matter. Recycle, don't litter, be courteous to other people, lend a helping hand to others. (Sharon Extine 1:36pm March 4, 2017)
It's always eye opening to find out what people are really thinking, or I think case, "not" thinking, but reacting emotionally. Sorry you had to deal with that. Just carry on doing the best you can. Your stories are redemptive and translate into you life as you live it. (Kathleen Bylsma 3:32pm March 4, 2017)
I love your books! How dare she use "trash/filth" and call herself a friend. "grabbing pussy" is now a phrase my nephew knows - that's trashy! I like volunteering at Meals on Wheels -delivering to those who can't/shouldn't cook while making sure they are still in contact with the world. (Beth Elder 6:51pm March 6, 2017)