In Vegas, nothing is what it seems... After losing a bet, successful publisher Michael Chang is "pretending" to play the piano in a Vegas lounge in order to spy on his less-than-trustworthy employee. His espionage is quickly derailed after meeting Thea Danelle, an editor who's been wronged by Michael's company. She's smart and unpredictable…and clearly hiding a naughty side that tempts Michael to distraction. Thea has gone from frumpy librarian to the young, wild thing she used to be--all thanks to the promise of sensuous delight in the piano player's eyes. And frankly, after losing yet another author to the competition, Thea is ready to forget her professional problems and explore those sexy promises thoroughly. With Michael, she can finally be herself...until the moment Thea learns who he really is.
Being born and raised in Michigan myself, I know how devoted the Tigers fans really are, even though I'm not one myself. I used to watch them on TV, many times alongside my Dad, which brings back memories, but where I live in the State now, I'm unable to get the Tigers on my TV, since I live to close to Canada. I'm only able to receive Canadian programming, which most of the time is a bummer. Anyway, to please my Husband, once in a while I'll watch a movie at home with him that he really wants me to see, because he's a big movie watcher, while I'm not. That's about the only thing I can think of. We both have our own hobbies, and after over 32 years of bliss, we do our own things while sitting in the same room, and it works for us. I'm looking forward to reading Kathy's book, and I also Congratulate her and wish her the best with her latest book!! (Peggy Roberson 10:54am March 6, 2015)
Peggy--as I'm going on 32 years with my husband, I know what you mean about separate hobbies and doing different things in the same room. It's nice when you can parallel play, isn't it? Hope you like Kathy's new book. And thanks for sharing! (Jade Lee 9:31pm March 6, 2015)
I want to read this. This has really sparked my interest. Very intrigued. (Sherry Cockerham 10:03pm March 31, 2015)
My two grandsons they are both so brave. Both diagnosed at the age of 2 1/2 with type 1 diabetes. (Janie Prather 3:58pm April 5, 2015)
I am a librarian, so that is probably what I would put into a book. (Seanna Yeager 9:47am April 6, 2015)
My dog! :) (Colleen Conklin 12:08pm April 6, 2015)
Ah, geez, thank you for putting the idea of a new program into my head. You never know what we'll come up with next! (Sara Reyes 2:18pm April 6, 2015)
I would love for Sara to kindly ask the Authors to offer their books in e-copy or print format. Some people, such as I, don't own e-readers, don't have extra room on their computers to download a book, are on dial-up, so it would take forever to download anyway, and actually prefer holding the actual book to getting an e-copy. A couple of Authors already are nice enough to do so. I would have loved to read this book, but unfortunately I can't. (Peggy Roberson 11:10am April 7, 2015)
My eldest daughter Erin & her fabulous life as a librarian... or my 2nd eldest daughter Beth & her crazy escapades as as modern young woman... or my 3rd daughter Toria and her shenanigans in college... or my oldest son Tommy & his Scouting adventures... or my 2nd oldest son Charlie & his goofy friendships... or my 3rd son Benji & his dreams for his future... or my 4th son Christopher & his cooking aspirations... or my youngest Rosie & her quest for world domination... basically my 8 children!! (Kelly Braun 2:01am April 8, 2015)
thanks (Susan Gannon 11:04am April 8, 2015)
my neighbor. she is full of wisdom and has seen it all. lived through the great depression, brother thought lost at pearl harbor, son and daughter-in-law in prison, another daughter-in-law dead, husband die. she should have the rights to the shirt " been there done that". (Angela Parrish 3:43pm April 8, 2015)
I would like to put myself into a book. I have had a lot of fun and adventures that I would love to share. (Denise Austin 4:48pm April 8, 2015)
My Grandma, she has told me so many stories about the old days. She was born in 1895. Her school days and growing up. She was raised and born in Kentucky. Her way of living was very fascinating to me. (Sherry Cockerham 6:29pm April 8, 2015)
Sounds like a cool story in a cool setting! (Richard Burr 7:59pm April 8, 2015)
My dog! Smart and peppy! (Richard Burr 8:02pm April 8, 2015)
My brothers! When they get together, you never know what is going to happen, or what will come out of their mouths. Your eyes will tear & your sides will hurt. But they are always there when you need them. (S W 8:14pm April 8, 2015)
My sister, Bev. She is such a strong person who can handle anything but beneath that exterior is the warmest, compassionate and fair person I know. Every day with her is an adventure. (Deborah Poston 1:04am April 9, 2015)
My mom (Karen Kane 10:46pm April 10, 2015)
Thank you so much for your Fresh Fiction contest for THE MAKEOVER MISTAKE (7361). I really appreciate winning this book and am excited to start reading it. I would love any of my grandchildren to be in your next book. Felicity is 8, Xavier is 6 and Sarina is almost 4. They are amazing! (Susan Patterson 12:36pm May 27, 2015)