The Hanging Man – Leigh Wyndfield
In another world, the Sagittarius and Taurus people are at
war. The Taurean King spurns all things magical, including
his own daughter’s hidden powers. An outcast, Gabriella
Etall ghosts through the castle, forever alone, banned from
going forth into the outside world so her magic will not be
discovered by the kingdom’s magic-hating subjects. When she
stumbles upon a captured Sagittarius hanging in the castle
dungeon, she feels the hum of another’s magic on her skin
for the first time. Now, she will have to decide if she
will betray her family for one night of bliss or let her
chance for fulfillment pass her by forever.
Taking A Chance – Blaise Kilgallen
Joyce Winters always wanted to be a dancer/singer--in Las
Vegas or on the New York musical stage. When her “last
chance” audition falls through, she decides to give it up.
She dozes on the train ride back to New Jersey and winds up
in 1870 Wyoming Territory. There she meets Peter “Chance”
Rivers, a hunky, former gunslinger with enough male
charisma to incite any female’s lust.
He offers her a job singing in his Lady Luck saloon, and
she agrees to stay on for the time being.
Joy is determined to return to New Jersey and her own time
although Chance’s lovemaking has her wishing she could
bring him home with her for always. Born in the 20th
century, used to every modern convenience, Joy feels
herself falling for Chance, but before she gets too
involved, she is wise enough to know she’d be miserable
living in the wilds of Wyoming Territory during the late
Joy is attacked by a drunken trapper on the second floor of
the saloon. Chance, catching a trespasser invading his
upstairs territory, he shoots the man in the back. The
worst memories of his gunslinger days are back to haunt
him, and Chance feels he must leave everything behind and
disappear again--without Joy Winters.