LeAnn Knott
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26 comments posted.
Re: Smart, But Dead (6:55pm September 30, 2015):
I know I am weird. I enjoy the calm the quiet, of the day. I am happy with 5 books a soda and the comfort of my husband, and/or cat. I like to read about the rest of the world!
Re: Love Somebody Like You (6:47pm September 30, 2015):
I like the older country music. It reminds ne of a calmer time; The drugs, the abuse was not as acceptable as it is now days!
Re: From Russia Without Love (3:39am August 31, 2015):
I think Richard Gere or Mac from Dancing with the Stars would make great spies! The book sounds wonderful.
Re: Food Baby (3:33am August 31, 2015):
It's not so weird to eat cold hamburgers with chocolate pudding. Or a cold burger in a spinach wrap for a quick snack!
Re: The Thorn Bearer (3:26am August 31, 2015):
It has to be believable Romance. Not just a quick meet up. Needs an honest feel together. Not sloppy! A relationship that developes.
Re: Passionately Yours (10:22pm May 30, 2015):
Never read this author before. Romance for Caro plus mystery to add to the mystery. Sounds like a book I would like to read!!!!
Re: A Horse for Kate (2:49pm April 12, 2015):
My daughter loves to read! When she was small she would lay in bed with her Dad and they would take turns reading every other page. Where The Red Grows was a favorite! Now life has gotten busy so she doesn't read as much!
Re: Tempting the Wolf (2:39pm April 12, 2015):
I am a lone wolf. I work well with others but do like making my own decisions. The book looks good!!
Re: Then Sings My Soul (2:18pm April 12, 2015):
As a nurse I too have seen and been involved in extraordinary things. Miracles? Looks like a story to read!
Re: Spring Fever: Shifters in Love (5:31pm March 14, 2015):
Not a usual paranormal reader but willing to learn, This sounds very interesting story!!!
Re: Deep in My Heart (10:58pm May 15, 2014):
My favorite couple is Rhett and Scarlet when he carries her up the staircase!! They make the best couple.
Re: Wicked Little Secrets (10:39pm May 15, 2014):
I love to read historical novels. I remember reading about the Pullman Cars on the train and significant that was to the women traveling West in the turn of the century!
Re: Always Emily (10:35pm May 15, 2014):
I had an older woman that I could go to with anything. She was single and never had kids and loved life. I learned so much about living from her!
Re: Three Timeless Loves (7:41pm November 30, 2013):
I would go back to the 1950's to a prosperous United States with jobs and cheap education.
Re: A Midsummer Bride (9:00pm October 31, 2013):
Looks like a great read! Do like the Historical stories!!! Thanks for the chance to win!
Re: The Blood Gospel (11:43pm August 31, 2013):
A little different than I usually read but sounds very intriguing. Never read this author before!!
Re: Unforeseeable (11:39pm August 31, 2013):
Christian Romance and mystery sounds like a great book. The description drew me quickly into the story. Can't wait to read!!
Re: Masters of The Cats: Collaring The Saber-Tooth (2:26pm June 30, 2013):
Sounds like an interesting book, a little mystery, and a lot of romance. As a nurse it also intrigues me from the relationship area! Looks Great!!
Re: Dead, White, And Blue (7:14pm May 30, 2013):
The relationship in books needs to be realistic no matter if it is a good or a questionable combination. I like a variety and not the predictable stories all the time!
Re: Ours To Love (8:38pm May 8, 2013):
Men, Wealth, and Suspense. Sounds like a good blend for a great read!!!
Re: A Wedding In Springtime (10:28pm May 1, 2013):
A rugged Highlander suits my way of life. I like someone is open to an adventure!!
Re: Father By Choice (1:34pm April 30, 2013):
I never thought about books having kids in them or not. They are a fact of life and sometimes add charm to a romance!
Re: Jake (12:25pm February 26, 2013):
Those Country boys were taught to treat a woman right, By their Mama's!! Looks like I have been reading the wrong books! Would love to win and start a New Hobby.
Re: The Autumn Bride (12:25pm January 31, 2013):
I am house bound so a reading group is not p[ossible that's why I love all the blogs to hear others review of different books!
Re: Into The Darkest Corner (9:56pm June 23, 2012):
I am Not in a book club but would love to be in one! I think it would be enlightening for an author to be in your club. You as authors have to read other books too!!!!
Re: Kiss Of The Goblin Prince (2:44pm May 13, 2012):
Good summer reading! On a sunny front porch so not too spooky!!