Black Hills Wolves #13
Decadent Publishing
April 2015
On Sale: April 3, 2015
ISBN: 0151348472 EAN: 2940151348478 Kindle: B00UEYBQGO e-Book Add to Wish List
Tao Pack Tracker, Alanna Kemp possesses the rare gift of mind control. She allows nothing to stand in her way of keeping the existence of shifters a secret from humans—until she meets a sexy human doctor who stirs emotions long buried and puts her Wolf on a lethal edge. Bastian Storm wants to start a new life in a new place where no one knows about his failures as a doctor. But when his past catches up to him, threatening the life of an innocent, he must place his trust in the hands of a woman with a deadly secret in order to save more lives than his own.
I am more of a lone wolf. Yes, it's fun to do things with others but when it's something important that has my name on it, I don't want anyone else messing with my baby. (Gayle Oreluk 1:47am April 9, 2015)
I generally like to collaborate. (Pam Howell 12:49pm April 9, 2015)
I think I am more of a lone wolf, because of my shyness... also like things done my way. (Colleen Conklin 1:08pm April 9, 2015)
I will collaborate when I am asked to but because I'm such a hermit (introvert) personality, I tend to like being lone wolf more. (Lisa L. 1:16pm April 9, 2015)
Most of the time I would consider myself more of a Lone Wolf, but there are times where I enjoy collaborating with others. Currently I volunteer teaching a knitting and crochet class, and because it's a group of Women, we tend to get involved in projects as a group. At other times, I feel that I'm more productive if left off by myself, to do my own thing, so to speak. I can really get more done, and know that it's done the right way, with no corners cut, just to get the project finished. Your latest book sounds interesting, and would be the 1st time that I would read a book of that genre. Congratulations on your book. I'm going to put it on my TBR list, and when I read it with my 2 kitties, I'll be sure to think of yours!! (Peggy Roberson 9:42pm April 9, 2015)
Most of the time I am a lone wolf, but can collaborate when asked (Tiana Starks 11:00pm April 9, 2015)
I'm more of a lone wolf. I love to just stay at come and read and spent time with my husband!! (Bonnie Capuano 8:21am April 10, 2015)
I am mostly a colaborator but can be a lone wolf if necessary. (Karen Kane 10:35pm April 10, 2015)
Yes, I am more of a lone wolf at home but I do always appreciate others ideas and opinions too. I love to read shifter books and would love to win and read your new books this year. Congrats on your new book: SPRING FEVER: SHIFTERS IN LOVE. I love the book cover too! I would truly enjoy winning your fantastic book. Thank You very much. Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez CECE (Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 10:49pm April 10, 2015)
It really depends on what I'm doing. There are a lot of things I prefer to do by myself and other things that I prefer to do with other people. (Janie McGaugh 12:27pm April 11, 2015)
I prefer working alone, but I can ask for help when I need it. (Jen Barnard 12:32pm April 12, 2015)
If I am alone I can take full responsibility whatever the outcome. I would love to win. (Susan Gannon 8:58am April 12, 2015)
I am a loner for sure! (Denise Austin 1:20pm April 12, 2015)
I am a lone wolf. I work well with others but do like making my own decisions. The book looks good!! (LeAnn Knott 2:39pm April 12, 2015)
Mostly lone wolf, I like working at my own speed. (Laura Gullickson 9:35pm April 12, 2015)