March 31st, 2025
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March Into Romance: New Releases to Fall in Love With!

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As Lady Phoebe and her betrothed say their vows of holy matrimony, a killer has vowed unholy vengeance on the town�s chief inspector . . .

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A soldier-turned-duke and a widow: a forbidden love story awaits!

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Pregnant sheriff. Abducted baby. Can they solve this deadly mystery in time?

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A cowgirl with grit. A cowboy with control. Will they tame each other�s hearts?

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A sculptress. A war. Will ambition or love define her future?

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Coffee & crime were never so much fun!

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Can a painful past and a deadly secret heal a fractured relationship?

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Saving the ranch and his heart�one business plan at a time.

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A twist on Shakespeare�s classic�romance, comedy, and a little meddling!

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Disappearing girls, a blood moon, and a thriller that will keep you guessing.

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

Alyssa m

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17 comments posted.

Re: Deep Autumn Heat (12:51pm July 11, 2012):

I have been trying to overcome eating problems. Earlier this year one of my digestive organs failed, and I would throw up everything I tried to eat - which has left me with some food trauma even after my surgery fixed the physical problem. It is hard to talk about, especially because not-eating became easier than being painfully ill, but I've been pushing myself to build up my relationship with food again. Like others have said, we can't let fear hold us back from being healthy or living our lives.

Re: Kiss Of The Goblin Prince (4:42am May 12, 2012):

I've heard of this series, and it sounds pretty good. Thanks for explaining the "wings" and sharing!

Re: Assassins In Love (9:19pm March 23, 2012):

My favorite romance stories always happen in different interesting places exactly because I think they are fascinating. Romance can happen anywhere, so why not on a cruise ship or space ship?

Re: Sex, Lies and Contracts (9:14pm March 23, 2012):

I like female leads who are able to stand on their own, but still keep their friends and loved ones close.

Re: Sticks and Stones (9:10pm March 23, 2012):

I think if I had to chose, I would ask my mom to write with me. She has been an english teacher for many years, so we would have a better chance of avoiding all of the awful grammar mistakes people accidentally make. We have the weirdest, craziest conversations so I think we would have that part down. The hardest part I think would be to just organize everything.

Re: Sketch a Falling Star (7:14pm March 12, 2012):

That happens to me at work, especially when I have a lot of deadlines that day. Then the opposite in class - I can't get out soon enough! I think we always wish we had more time though (and it doesn't help that we lost a hour for daylight savings!)

Re: The Forbidden Claim (5:47pm March 11, 2012):

With our careers starting up, my boyfriend wishes that we had more time together. Especially since we're both full time students and work so much now. I do wish I had more time for the gym too - seems like everything I do is so rushed! Cleaning, cooking, working, and I'm not an author at all! I don't know how you guys do all that and still write great books!

Re: Under The Covers (9:05pm March 10, 2012):

Wow I never really thought about it that way. I used to paint, and I was always nervous about how people would respond to my art, so I can relate a little bit. It never occurred to me that authors could feel that way with books. Especially since years can easily go into writing, where as I usually spent a couple days to maybe a month on my paintings. Well good luck to your new books ^^

Re: Against The Night (12:33pm March 9, 2012):

A lot of those movies and such are also some of my favorites ^-^ I'll have to search out some of your books, they sound interesting and fun!

Re: Obsidian (11:59am March 5, 2012):

That is too cute and too cool for your cover models ^^ Looks like a great read too! I'll have to go search it out!

Re: Dire Needs (11:54am March 5, 2012):

I love series - and am always sad when they end! Mercedes Lackey for example has many different series that usually connect in one way or another, and I love being able to explore those worlds. Some books are good on their own, like you said, thrillers or mysteries don't always need a sequel. I'm usually just excited to find more books I can't put down!

Re: A Sliver Of Shadow (8:48pm February 29, 2012):

When I met Devin, I was scared to have my heart broken again, but we've been together for over five years now. He is the love of my life, and we're even talking about getting engaged now. I'm not sure if it was "love at first sight" sort of deal, but ever since I saw him and spoke to him we've just fit together so perfectly since that day. It many ways it was an instant love that has had a lot of time to grow and mature, so I do believe in an instant connection with someone.

Re: King of Darkness (11:34am February 22, 2012):

I'm really glad I stumbled accross this...looks like a great read. Not really a fan of coffee but I love different kinds of tea?

Re: The Lord Of Illusion (2:11am February 4, 2012):

I always thought it would be amazing to breathe underwater and have power over water. I love the ocean, lakes, and rivers. But your descriptions make me want to try other things too. Being able to keep those around me healthy, because I too have family members fighting terrible illnesses, would be a priority. Thanks for sharing your magic!

Re: Double Dare (12:17pm January 27, 2012):

I never really thought about loggers before. Blacksmiths I know are very well built and I just think that making something with your own hands is sexy. The whole creative process to design it, and then the mechanical process to make sure it works is just so interesting and I think, attractive.

Re: Sleight Of Paw (1:39pm December 18, 2011):

My mom always wanted us to get family portraits every year and give them to our relatives as Christmas gifts. I only remember always shopping for a "cute" dress that my sister and I would have to sit in for what seemed like hours while we pretended we liked each other and smiling as people arranged us with different backdrops and props. Now I always feel nervous when people try to take my picture, because I have no idea how to pose! Especially when it comes to trying to do something "normal" with my hands. I think it is the best when people take pictures of me, while I'm doing something, and then it looks decent ^-^

Re: The Lady Of The Storm (10:20pm August 4, 2011):

One of the reasons I love your books so much is because they are so descriptive without being TOO detailed. It's easy to follow and get lost in the magic without being bored silly with descriptions about each blade of grass and such. I also love how much you care about your readers and are always helping us to learn about your creative process :) Just bought TLoTS and I can't wait to read it!

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