There are only eight breeding female werecats left . . .
And I'm one of them.
I look like an all-American grad student. But I am a
werecat, a shape-shifter, and I live in two worlds. Despite reservations from my family and my Pride, I escaped
the pressure to continue my species and carved out a normal
life for myself. Until the night a Stray attacked. I'd been warned about Strays—werecats without a Pride,
constantly on the lookout for someone like me: attractive,
female, and fertile. I fought him off, but then learned two
of my fellow tabbies had disappeared. This brush with danger was all my Pride needed to summon me
back . . . for my own protection. Yeah, right. But I'm no
meek kitty. I'll take on whatever—and whoever—I have to in
order to find my friends. Watch out, Strays—'cause I got
claws, and I'm not afraid to use them . . .
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