Werecats #3
February 2009
On Sale: February 1, 2009
Featuring: Faythe Sanders; Marc Ramos
400 pages ISBN: 0778326497 EAN: 9780778326496 Mass Market Paperback Add to Wish List
Faythe Sanders is on trial for her life, accused of
infecting her human ex-boyfriend and murdering him to cover
up her crime. Her trial unfolds in the Montana mountains,
where she finds herself mired in political maneuvering and
backstabbing from the panel of Alphas gathered to judge
her. In the middle of the hearing, Faythe and her fellow
werecats become caught up in the violent scheme of a rogue
stray trying to form his own Pride in the free territory,
much to the irritation of a local bruin (were-bear).
the bruin brings the Pride cats an unidentified teenage
tabbycat being hunted by the rogue, Faythe risks her own
future to help the young woman and finds that the
consequences are more dire than even she could have
predicted. And maybe more than she can bear.