What price victory? The war with the Republic of Haven has
resumed... disastrously for the Star Kingdom of Manticore.
Admiral Lady Dame Honor Harrington, Steadholder and Duchess
Harrington, the single victorious Allied commander of the
opening phase of the new war, has been recalled from the
Sidemore System to command Eighth Fleet. Everyone knows
Eighth Fleet is the Alliance's primary offensive command,
which makes it the natural assignment for the woman the
media calls "the Salamander." But what most of the public
DOESN'T know is that not only are the Star Kingdom and its
Allies badly outnumbered by the Republic's new fleet, but
that the odds are going to get steadily worse. Eighth
Fleet's job is to somehow prevent those odds from crushing
the Alliance before the Star Kingdom can regain its
strategic balance. It's a job which won't be done cheaply.
Honor Harrington must meet her formidable responsibilities
with inferior forces even as she copes with tumultuous
changes in her personal and public life. The alternative to
victory is total defeat, yet this time the COST of victory
will be agonizingly high.
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