Night Seekers #3
Ellora's Cave
July 2012
On Sale: July 16, 2012
Featuring: Mark Guitron; Cloe Hanson
248 pages ISBN: 1419966324 EAN: 9781419966323 Kindle: B004HYH9UE Trade Size / e-Book Add to Wish List
The problem with hunting El Chupacabra was people were so
scared of the legend they wouldn’t acknowledge it. Or else
they discounted it as an old wives’ tale. His boss had
finally demanded that he take some leave time and right
about then Craig Stafford had contacted him about Night Seekers.
He truly hoped this wasn’t going to be a waste of time on
his part. The animal—or whatever it was—needed to be caught
and killed before it wreaked any more havoc. The most
disturbing thought was the indication that someone might be
crossbreeding and trying to reproduce this evil hybrid of
nature. Whoever that was had to be found and stopped.
Mark paused at the top of a rocky knoll, lifting his
snout. A strange scent caught at his nostrils, and he turned
his head.
Every muscle in his body went rigid. Wolves were not
endemic to Zapata County. Indeed, wolves were all but
extinct everywhere in Texas, disappearing slowly over the
years. While neighboring states had reintroduced the gray
wolf to the wild, Texas still lagged behind. Which was why
Mark was always careful when running to do it at night and
pick a spot without human habitat.
So where did this other wolf come from? Was it one of the
rare red wolves he’d read about inhabiting the area? He
didn’t even know if their existence here was a fact, or just
a legend like El Chupacabra. And why would it be here,
anyway, since its habitat was the marshland between Houston
and Beaumont?
Moving rapidly into a small cluster of trees, he shifted
and used the thickest tree to conceal himself. Peering
around the trunk, he spotted the other wolf still standing
in the same place. It turned its head in Mark’s direction
and he could have sworn that even at this distance the
animal saw him. He held his breath. If it was truly a wolf
in the wild, it would smell him and possibly attack.
But the strangest thing happened. The air around the
animal shimmered and in seconds where the wolf had stood was
a woman whose amazing body was outlined by the moonlight. He
could tell she was tall, with long hair of some dark color
that streamed down her back, and as she lifted her arms she
brought magnificent breasts into relief.
His cock stood immediately at attention, hardening and
swelling. He started to move out of his hiding place, then
thought better of it. She turned her head in his direction
for the briefest of moments, then the air shimmered again
and the wolf was back.
He stood unmoving, watching, until the other animal loped
of into a stand of trees and disappeared from sight. This
was not good. If there was another shifter in the area,
Night Seekers really needed to know about it. He’d have to
do some real digging to find out about the wolf, and do it
without raising any suspicions.
Taking one last look, he turned and trotted off to his house.