February 7th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.


Tempted By Fate
by Kate Perry
"Destined to be your new favorite series"
Posted November 24, 2010

Willow Tarata lived her life with one goal-- avenge her mother's death. In a game of cat and mouse with her mother's killer, Willow has stalked and been chased by the Bad Man since she was ten years old. She supports her goal by getting paid to assassinate Read more...

Bound By Sin
by Jenna Maclaine
"If this is a Cin, take me to confession"
Posted July 20, 2010

When called away from her latest adventure with the Righteous, Cin Craven follows the call all the way back to her family homestead, Glen Gregor. Upon her arrival, she is reminded of her immortality at the loss of family and is shocked to find one of her kin has called Read more...

My Lady's Pleasure
by Alice Gaines
"A fast paced read that leaves you wanting more Viking love"
Posted July 3, 2010

My Lady's Pleasure starts off strong with the siege of Lady's Randmead castle by the Viking conquerors. The head of the Vikings, Ulric, is a tall blonde whose hunger for power is matched only by his hunger for sexual pleasure. Lady Devon sees the "enemy" from afar and Read more...

Griff Carver, Hallway Patrol
by Jim Krieg
"Fun, fast paced middle school whodunit adventure"
Posted June 8, 2010

No one keeps an eye on his beat like GRIFF CARVER. He has spent half his life patrolling and maintaining law and order— but for this twelve year old, life isn't all sunshine and roses monitoring the halls of his middle school. Griff Carver takes his job very seriously Read more...

The Triple Bind
by Stephen Hinshaw, Rachel Kranz
"Eye opening book that every parent and educator should read"
Posted June 8, 2010

THE TRIPLE BIND is an in-depth look at the pressures and messages the teen girls of this current generation are facing and the possible negative long term effects. The books combines testimony straight from the girls' mouths, scientific research and many different media sources to show the contradictory messages Read more...

by Dara Edmondson
"Hot read with twists and turns that keeps your attention until the end"
Posted December 10, 2009

Tonight was supposed to be a romantic evening with Walter, yet standing alone outside of the theater Audrey Brookstone felt anything but romantic. Walter had failed to show up— again. Although she was upset over the money lost on the tickets, she was more upset about missing the amazing show Read more...

Danyel McDaniel

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2 comments posted.

Re: Sex Drive (5:07pm May 10, 2010):

I get drawn into a character that I feel pulls me along on their emotional roller coaster in the story. And some rare times, all of those events are happening to me and I completely am the character.

Re: Love in Translation (7:46pm December 10, 2009):

I feel sad that I have never left the US. Not even for a vacation. We didnt have much money growing up so trips like that were so far out of our grasp. I hope to be able to take my kids on trips like that some day.

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