When one of his buddies damages his brand new sports
rocket dodging through a meteor field on a bet, Tor
Severian and his pals are forced to land on a barbarous
planet of puny men and punier women. In the crusade for
more brew and entertainment, two of the men run afoul of
the law, and it’s up to Tor and Hauk to save them. But the
crazy woman at the bank calls the law on them and gets in
their way, until the only thing that Tor can do is pick
her up and run.
He didn’t actually mean to kidnap the Earth woman.
After a sneaky ass stun move, Samantha Declan wakes up and
finds herself on an alien ship speeding into space, and
locked on board with another woman. She just knows they’ve
been kidnapped for some nefarious purpose--like alien
breeding. Now she and the cop, Cole, just have to figure
out a way to take over the ship and go home. But it’s a
lot harder to wrest control away from the meaty arm of
seven foot tall alien men--especially when they’re so
intent on watching the women’s every move....
Rating: Contains explicit sex, graphic and potentially
offensive language, and profanity.