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Simon Snow Trilogy # 2
Wednesday Books
March 2022
On Sale: March 15, 2022
Featuring: Baz; Penny; Simon
384 pages ISBN: 1250146089 EAN: 9781250146083 Kindle: B07NC2831M Trade Size / e-Book
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LGBTQ | Young Adult Fantasy | Young Adult Contemporary
The story is supposed to be over.
Simon Snow
did everything he was supposed to do. He beat the villain.
He won the war. He even fell in love. Now comes the good
part, right? Now comes the happily ever after…
So why can’t Simon Snow get off the couch?
What he needs, according to his best
friend, is a change of scenery. He just needs to see himself
in a new light.
That’s how Simon and Penny
and Baz end up in a vintage convertible, tearing across the
American West. They find trouble, of course. (Dragons,
vampires, skunk-headed things with shotguns.) And they get
lost. They get so lost, they start to wonder whether they
ever knew where they were headed in the first place.
With Wayward Son, Rainbow Rowell has
written a book for everyone who ever wondered what happened
to the Chosen One after he saved the day. And a book for
everyone who was ever more curious about the second kiss
than the first. It’s another helping of sour cherry
scones with an absolutely decadent amount of butter.
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