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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Susan Lyons

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71 comments posted.

Re: Ring of Fire (2:34pm June 3, 2016):

Thanks to all of you for posting comments and entering this giveaway contest.

Re: Ring of Fire (9:16pm June 2, 2016):

You're welcome, Joan and Colleen.

Re: Ring of Fire (7:47pm June 2, 2016):

Thanks, Kathleen. I hope you enjoy the book.

Re: Ring of Fire (7:47pm June 2, 2016):

Deb, that's interesting that everyone in your family has a different favorite. "Ring of Fire" is definitely one of mine, so it was great to be able to use it in a book.

Re: Ring of Fire (5:03pm June 2, 2016):

Thanks, Sylvia. I hope you enjoy it.

Re: Ring of Fire (9:18am June 2, 2016):

Thank you so much, Jacquie!

Re: Ring of Fire (12:25pm June 2, 2016):

I'm glad I could provide that reminder, Edward! I hope you enjoy the series.

Re: Love Somebody Like You (12:39pm October 2, 2015):

Hey, Bonnie - another Brad Paisley fan!
Maria, I have to wonder what kind of music you listen to with your daughters.
Oh Tiffany, in our secret hearts, aren't most of us romantic fools? What could be better?
Emily, I read in the bath too and so far haven't dropped my e-reader in the water. How about you?

Re: Love Somebody Like You (12:06pm October 1, 2015):

LeAnn, yes, there's a lot to be said for the older times. And by the way, love your name! I've used LeAnn Rimes's "Holiday in Your Heart" as the title of my October 2016 Caribou Crossing Romance.
Joan, oh yeah! That's a fantastic song. Excellent idea for an upcoming title. I'm filing that one away.
Cindy, I hope you're listening to something fine right now.

Re: Love Somebody Like You (6:46pm September 30, 2015):

Kerry, do you sing along with the music when you're in the shower? Nancy, same question for you - do you sing when you're driving? I can't carry a tune but I do love belting it out along with the radio. Especially to some of Jeri's old time rock and roll!
Anna and Edward, I'm with you in liking different kinds of music depending on my mood.

Re: Love Somebody Like You (2:23pm September 30, 2015):

There really is music to suit all moods, isn't there? And thank heavens for that!

Re: Love Somebody Like You (12:32pm September 30, 2015):

Sharon, that's a great story about your dad. My dad sang songs like "Oh my darling Clementine" - definitely not opera! LOL. Early rock and roll was indeed special, as is R&B.
Emily, I bet your breakfast music and bath music are different: more "get up and go" in the morning and relaxing in the bath?

Re: Love Somebody Like You (10:45am September 30, 2015):

Marissa, it sounds as if you lead a very "musical" life!
Peggy, I love your description of yourself and the variety of music you enjoy. It's cliché to say variety is the spice of life, but I do believe it.
Joan, your line dancing group sounds fantastic! You get great exercise, companionship, and pure fun - and you give joy to so many others.

Re: Love Me Tender (3:32pm December 2, 2014):

You can learn so much from someone's who's different, can't you, Colleen? I think you're right that differences can make for a better couple. It's boring to be with someone who's just like you!

Re: Bound to be Dirty (12:12pm February 24, 2014):

Kathleen, I do hope you enjoy the series.
Kai, I agree that trust is a key element. That's definitely something that Lily and Dax find out.
Mary, I'm sure it does give many readers a thrill.

Re: Bound to be Dirty (5:32pm February 23, 2014):

Thanks, Kelly. Yes, forbidden and naughty tend to be very alluring - at least when it comes to reading matter and fantasies! In real life, most of us are more cautious.

Re: Bound to be Dirty (5:31pm February 23, 2014):

Denise, this is the definition in Wikipedia: "BDSM is a variety of erotic practices involving dominance and submission, role-playing, restraint, and other interpersonal dynamics." It can range from pretty light (as in my book "Bound to Be Dirty") - like blindfolding or tying up with a silk scarf - to pretty heavy. There should always be agreement as to what's okay and what isn't, and the submissive partner has a safe word which can always be used to stop what's going on. Which leads to the interesting question: is the ultimate power with the dominant partner, or with the submissive one who has the safe word?

Re: Bound to be Dirty (4:30pm February 23, 2014):

Barrie, I'm glad your husband is benefitting from your reading.

Sheila, I guess that's the power of secret fantasies.

Re: Bound to be Dirty (12:18pm February 23, 2014):

Shelley, at a recent writer-reader event, a guy asked me whether men should be reading erotic romance. I said absolutely. Women who read romance have happier sex lives and relationships - and so do men. Women learn that it's okay to realize their own needs and express them to their partner, and men learn the same as well as get a better idea what women may be looking for in the relationship. Not necessarily kinky sex (LOL), but better communication and more attention to their needs.

Re: Bound to be Dirty (12:16pm February 23, 2014):

Denise, it would be fun if you read it too and compared notes with your mother-in-law.

Pam, I agree totally. We should definitely read outside our comfort levels from time to time.

Re: Bound to be Dirty (11:42pm February 22, 2014):

Thanks, Bonnie. That's exactly what I was thinking when I came up with the concept.
Karin, that's an excellent point. Hurray for fantasies!

Re: Bound to be Dirty (10:59pm February 22, 2014):

Thanks, Marcelyn. And Taylor, I'm not sure what your fiancée means by female porn, but I think of porn as something designed purely/mainly to arouse sexually. If the BDSM is in an erotic romance, then likely there will also be arousal of emotions (following the developing romance as it faces obstacles and deepens and strengthens) and probably also some interesting things to think about (e.g., in my "Bound to Be Dirty," the club discusses issues of power balance, equality, respect, trust, communication, intimacy, etc.).

Re: Bound to be Dirty (6:23pm February 22, 2014):

Thanks, Sue. And yes, I agree that the partner sure has to be the right one. Casual pick-ups are risky anyhow - you have to put a lot of trust in your own ability to judge character during a first meeting - and even more so when BDSM elements are involved.

Re: His, Unexpectedly (11:21pm February 26, 2011):

Thanks, Barbara.

Re: His, Unexpectedly (10:50am February 26, 2011):

Ginger's comment makes me think of something none of us mentioned. We've been talking about romantic road trips and family road trips - but I have a friend who loves heading out on the open road all by himself with a pile of his favorite music. He's friendly and confident, and loves meeting new people. He's happily married and also enjoys traveling with his wife, but of course when you travel with someone else you're influenced by what they want to do (which can be good or not so good). When you're on your own, you only have yourself to answer to.

Re: His, Unexpectedly (10:52pm February 25, 2011):

Thanks, Diane. Yup, a lot of fun!

Leni, I hope that one day you have a fabulous road trip of your own - but in the meantime, enjoy them in fiction.

Oh yeah, Brenda - over-tired and hungry are definite mood killers. And so's the "I really need to pee; where's the next stop?" thing.

Re: His, Unexpectedly (10:50pm February 25, 2011):

Very nice, Lynn. Domestic road trips, and foreign ones as well. My favorite way of visiting a new country is renting a car and exploring. I've done a good portion of Western Europe too.

Re: His, Unexpectedly (6:52pm February 25, 2011):

Ooh, France! What a great place to take road trips. I'd be following my nose to all the restaurants and wineries!

Dawn, that's a fantastic idea. I love it!

Thanks, Pat, and good luck.

Re: His, Unexpectedly (6:51pm February 25, 2011):

Lisa, I loved Thelma and Louise, but wasn't so crazy about the ending! Loved the relationship, though. I'm all about relationship stories.

LOL, Deb. Then I'm glad I can write books where things come out the way they're supposed to.

Re: His, Unexpectedly (5:05pm February 25, 2011):

I think that's pretty much true of travel in any form, Mary, and with any traveling companion. I sure think twice before planning a trip with anyone!

Re: His, Unexpectedly (4:28pm February 25, 2011):

Wilma, that's too bad, but at least you have those great memories.

Rosemary, I travel with a camera too. It's one of the great things about a road trip - you can stop wherever you want, to take photos, explore, do whatever you want. I hope you and your hubby do get to travel this year. Your trips sound so great.

Re: His, Unexpectedly (3:38pm February 25, 2011):

Sandra, your aunt sounds like a pretty amazing woman. That was one very symbolic road trip for her, after splitting up with her husband. She was definitely on a new road, and facing it bravely. I’m so glad she found a great guy.

Yes, Ivy, commitment is a scary thing for my heroine. The only time she fell in love, the guy betrayed her – so it’s a big step for her to trust Mark. And to believe in herself – that she’s lovable and capable of loving and committing.

Re: His, Unexpectedly (3:38pm February 25, 2011):

Cathy, you have definitely had a challenging journey yourself. Growing up with abuse is such a horrible thing. How wonderful that you met such a great guy as your husband, and that you were willing to give him a chance. Congratulations to both of you.

Cate, how well I know the middle of the back seat. I’ve always been the smallest person, so that’s my typical seat. LOL re whether your sibs would have saved you. Think positively: of course they would!

Deborah, how sweet of you.

Re: His, Unexpectedly (3:37pm February 25, 2011):

Joelle, I hope you connect with Jenna – and don’t keep imagining your daughter doing all the things my heroine does! That would be disconcerting! Sounds like you have a family tradition of family road trips. How terrific.

Thanks, Debbi.

Re: His, Unexpectedly (2:12pm February 25, 2011):

Colleen, I think that’s the great fun with romance fiction. Sure, we know from the beginning that they’re going to get together – but how is it going to happen? It can’t be too easy or there’d be no story. They have to be challenged and really work for it, and it’s so inspiring to see people doing that.

Oh my, Pamela. I can’t say I’m envious. Good luck with that!

Re: His, Unexpectedly (2:12pm February 25, 2011):

LOL, Christina. Okay, none of us will tell your sister you spilled the beans. A road trip to a concert sounds like great fun, though the spiders could stay home.

Renee, how lovely! You need to do this again. Soon. Okay?

Michele, I read your comment after I typed my own about the price of gas. Yeah, it’s a total bummer isn’t it?

Re: His, Unexpectedly (2:12pm February 25, 2011):

Oh, wow, Peggy, that’s quite the start to a trip. My gosh! Not the way you want to start out – but you definitely made lemonade out of those lemons. Hurray for you and your hubby. And isn’t it interesting how sometimes it takes something pretty awful to jolt you out of an unhealthy rut and start you on a new course?

Stacie, I did a lot of long trips when I was a kid. Like driving from Victoria, BC down to Mazatlan, Mexico. In a truck with a tiny camper in the truck bed. Just me and my mom and dad. Many, many hours on the road. Dad called us “gypsies on wheels.” It suited us all pretty well at the time.

Re: His, Unexpectedly (2:11pm February 25, 2011):

Sue, I always thought it would be fun to get a motor home and really, really do a road trip. If only the price of gas wasn’t so high! By the time we retire, will anyone be able to afford to drive? Okay, that’s a depressing thought. Not going to think about that any more!

Oh, how nice, Marjorie. That does sound poignant.

Hi Natalie, and thanks for trying new authors. So many readers stick with their favorites and it’s hard for new writers to break in. I love Somewhere in Time. Talk about a trip!

Thanks, Amber. I hope you enjoy it.

Re: His, Unexpectedly (2:11pm February 25, 2011):

Mona, you made me realize that I’d like to see Thelma and Louise again! I hope you and your hubby get another great road trip soon.

Nancy, I hope you enjoy the book – and a little escape on a fictional road trip.

Re: His, Unexpectedly (9:46am February 25, 2011):

And thank you, G S! I hope you'll give this book a try.

Re: Sex Drive (11:58am May 12, 2010):

The winner is Kathy. Congratulations! She'll receive an autographed copy of Sex Drive.

Re: Sex Drive (11:57am May 12, 2010):

Thanks, Debbi. I hope you enjoy it. Brenda, covers matter to me too - it's such a pity authors have so little input re a book's cover...

Re: Sex Drive (11:21pm May 10, 2010):

Thanks, Susan. I confess, I'm not a magazine reader myself. I'd much rather sink into a good book.

Thanks, Cecilia.

Barbara, time is precious, isn't it? Definitely don't want to waste those minutes.

Re: Sex Drive (9:59pm May 10, 2010):

Peggy, for me it's all about emotion too. If someone can touch my heart - whether it's with writing, painting, a play or movie or TV show - then I'm hooked. (Says me, after just sniffling over a Brothers & Sisters episode...)

Brandy, you're very welcome. Thanks for being here.

Re: Sex Drive (9:57pm May 10, 2010):

Thanks, Kai. That's what I'm hoping will happen.

Mitzi, here's hoping you join the mile high club soon, and with a real hottie! Yes, I like depth too, but it's interesting writing a novella - you need to make characters come to life and be 3-dimensional in such a short length. Anthologies are a great way of finding new authors.

Re: Sex Drive (8:48pm May 10, 2010):

I enjoy short stories that are complete in themselves (in fact, I have 12 sweet romances in the anthology Calendar of Love), but snippets of novels can be frustrating, can't they, Vikki?

Re: Sex Drive (8:23pm May 10, 2010):

Thanks, Sue. Yes, it's definitely a great year. That's an insightful comment, about the human need to find connection. It's something I really hope readers find in my books.

Kathy, thanks so much! I love to hear that.

Re: Sex Drive (6:17pm May 10, 2010):

Mary and S Tieh, it’s great when the characters come to life, isn’t it. And Danyel, I love “being” the character. It’s fun when you’re writing a book too – especially if you’re the heroine who’s with the very hot hero!

Thanks so much for the good wishes, Patricia.

Re: Sex Drive (6:15pm May 10, 2010):

Gail, there’s nothing like reading until 3:00 a.m., is there? Even if it wrecks you for the next day.
Tonya, it’s interesting that titles don’t matter to you. That’s reassuring for authors who don’t get to choose our own titles. Or, rather, we’ll choose them but then the publisher will overrule us!
“Secret language” is a good term for it, Leni. I find that with some – though definitely not all – literary fiction.
Debbi and Cathy, thanks for dropping by.

Re: Sex Drive (4:41pm May 10, 2010):

Hi Jane. Thanks! Yes, I really need to feel invested in what happens to the characters.

Christina, I like wit as well. Even in a novel that has serious issues or lots of danger, it's nice to have a touch of wit to lighten things up. I also don't like characters who take themselves totally seriously and can never laugh at themselves.

Marjorie, Kelli Jo, and Mary, thanks for your comments. It's really lovely when you do find a book that holds your attention and you also have the time to settle in and read and really enjoy it.

Re: Some Like It Rough (3:09pm May 10, 2010):

Lisa, here's to always having a book with you "just in case"!

Felecia, yes, it's steamy beach reading.

Re: Some Like It Rough (1:39pm May 10, 2010):

Thanks, Joanne.

Re: Some Like It Rough (1:39pm May 10, 2010):

Colleen, I'm the same as you re too much description. I think each of us reads for something a bit different. For me, it's all about characters and relationships - so I'll skip over description and even skip over action scenes. But other people love detailed descriptions or love tons of action. It's kind of like when you watch a movie on TV with someone. You each get up to get a drink or go to the bathroom at a different spot. For me, I'll get up during chase scenes because I'm bored. LOL.

Re: Some Like It Rough (11:30am May 10, 2010):

Thanks, Sherry. I hope you check it out.

Hi Mina, and thanks for the congrats. I'm with you on hating controlling men, and loving men who have enough self-esteem that they don't feel threatened by a strong woman. If a guy needs to feed his ego by dominating a woman, he's no hero to me!

Re: Some Like It Rough (11:29am May 10, 2010):

Tanja, that's a great reason for reading. And yes, it lets you go to places you'd never go yourself (e.g., airplanes) and experience things you wouldn't otherwise be able to. I read the book snippets too. If I went into a book store and just browsed, I'd spend thousands of dollars, so I have to be more focused about my purchases. I read reviews, read author comments on review sites and blogs, and listen to friends' recommendations. Being a writer hooks you up with so many other writers, there's a never-ending supply of books that sound like "must be reads"!

Re: Some Like It Rough (11:27am May 10, 2010):

Vickie, thanks so much for the kind words about my books. I definitely plan to keep them coming - so long as the publishers keep buying from me (fingers crossed!). LOL re reading mags while listening to hubby or kids. And yes, I can totally relate to finding that private space and time when you can really sink into a book.

Re: Some Like It Rough (11:26am May 10, 2010):

Barbara, I'm the same that I choose different things to read at different times.

Pat, I admire that you can multi-task and pay attention to two things at the same time.

Re: Sex Drive (12:53pm December 3, 2009):

I've heard that publishers are really looking for series these days, and you folks are certainly reinforcing that! Obviously, readers love them.

Sue, thank for the compliment. I'm so glad you enjoyed my Awesome Foursome series.

Re: Sex Drive (7:58pm December 2, 2009):

Mary and Rosemary, the reasons you mention are partly why I write series. I tend to write stories that take place in a relatively short time frame, so I think it's nice for the reader (and for me!) to follow those same characters later, in another book.

Re: Sex Drive (5:55pm December 2, 2009):

Tracey, I think 5-6 can be a great number. And yes, when you've enjoyed one series by an author, likely you'll enjoy the next as well.

Re: Sex Drive (4:29pm December 2, 2009):

Jane, thanks for adding some more names of authors and series.

Re: Sex Drive (4:29pm December 2, 2009):

Cate, if you like getting to know characters from different perspectives, you should check out my January release from Berkley Heat, SEX ON THE BEACH. It's set in Belize in the week before a wedding. There are 3 interlocked novellas, all taking place in that week, so there are 3 heroines and 3 heroes. And you get to see each of them from the others' point of view, if that makes sense - and it's all a lot of fun because each of the 3 couples is trying to keep their relationship a secret.

Re: Sex Drive (4:27pm December 2, 2009):

Vikki, I just had a friend complain that she'd started one book in a series then realized that it didn't standalone, and she got quite frustrated. You're definitely not alone.

Cherie, yes, fresh and exciting is important. I think sometimes authors get themselves into doing series then get kind of fed up and wish they could quit, but by then their publisher and readers won't let them.

Re: Sex Drive (4:24pm December 2, 2009):

Judy, LOL re wishing authors would finish the series before writing something else. I think sometimes they just feel they need a break, or they have a brilliant idea that clamors to be written - or occasionally a publisher asks them to write something specific.

Re: Sex Drive (2:33pm December 2, 2009):

Mitzi, thanks so much for saying you love my books! That's exactly what a writer needs to hear. It keeps us going on the days when we wonder what on earth we're doing, and why. LOL.

Re: Sex Drive (2:32pm December 2, 2009):

I see we have lots of series fans here! Thanks for naming some of the series you've enjoyed, so others can try them out. You know, I never watch daytime soap operas (not that I'm putting them down; just never got into daytime TV), but I have enjoyed shows like "The O.C." and "Brothers & Sisters," which I figure are pretty much soap opera. It seems to me that some series are kind of like that -- in the good way! You really get to know and care about these people, and follow them through, if you'll pardon the pun, the days of their lives. They do become real people to you.

Re: Sex Drive (12:45pm December 2, 2009):

LuAnn, it's interesting how many ways there can be to connect series. For my 2 series, I've started with a group of 4 women - best friends in one case, sisters in another. Sometimes, one book introduces a secondary character who becomes the hero or heroine in the next book. Sometimes the characters are tied by working for a certain organization or in a certain occupation. And then there are the "community" books where over time you come to know a number of people in a small town.

Re: Sex Drive (12:43pm December 2, 2009):

Theresa, closure is definitely important. We want to know that the characters we care about are doing okay.

Re: Sex Drive (12:41pm December 2, 2009):

GS, yes, in some ways it is harder to write series books. You have to have the right mix of new and old characters - and there's so much to keep track of!

Re: Sex Drive (9:35am December 2, 2009):

Hi Maureen. Yes, I do like that aspect of it. In a good book, you come to care for the characters, and then the book ends and it's kind of like you lost touch with a good friend. If you can pick up another book and find out how they're doing, it's a warm and wonderful feeling.

Re: Sex Drive (9:34am December 2, 2009):

Hi Stacey and Patsy. Wow, those are long, long series. My favorite length is 3-4 books. The only exceptions for me have been the Stephanie Plum books by Janet Evanovitch and Sue Grafton's Kinsey Milhone books - but then, each of them pretty much stands alone. Personally, I'm not a big paranormal reader. I have read some of Suzanne Brockman's Seal books - and I love her writing! - but with most series I feel as if I'm missing something because I don't remember what happened in the books that came before. I guess for me, the ideal thing would be to sit down on holiday and read the entire series from start to finish. What a luxury that would be!

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