Menolly, Camille, and Delilah are the D?Artigo Sisters?half-human, half-Faerie operatives for the Otherworld Intelligence Agency. Their latest assignment is to root out the secret society responsible for unleashing chaos magic against the city?and to sto
Sisters Of The Moon #6
June 2009
On Sale: June 2, 2009
Featuring: Menolly D'Artigo; Delilah D'Artigo; Camille D'Artigo
320 pages ISBN: 0425228649 EAN: 9780425228647 Paperback Add to Wish List
We're the D'Artigo Sisters: Half-human,
half-Faerie, we're savvy--and sexy--operatives for the
Otherworld Intelligence
Agency. But our mixed-blood heritage short-circuits our
talents at all the wrong
times. My sister Camille is a wicked-good witch whose magic
is as unpredictable
as the weather. My sister Delilah transforms into a tabby
cat at the worst
possible times. And me? I'm Menolly,
acrobat-extraordinaire-turned-vampire. And
if the nerds from hell don't get their act together, I'm
going to turn their
toga party into a bloodbath...
Life's getting stranger by the minute. First, Iris and I
unearth a diary from one of the bartenders at the Wayfarer
who disappeared under
mysterious circumstances. And when I discover a ghoul in the
woods near our
home, we know there has to be a necromancer nearby--another
sign that
something's wrong. But the blood really hits the fang when
we discover a secret
society bent on winning Shadow Wing's favor. Now it's up to
us to stop the chaos
they've unleashed on the city, and to prevent the demon they
summoned from
devouring Delilah's soul..