May 2008
On Sale: May 1, 2008
Featuring: Jasmine Tristan; Thomas Claradon
352 pages ISBN: 0843959754 EAN: 9780843959758 Paperback Add to Wish List
Jasmine Tristan was no stranger to the upper crust of
English society. And yet, though adopted by a viscount,
she was called the "Brown Scorpion" and knew the cruel
sting of isolation. When her anger won out, her mother
voiced fears. Was Jasmine truly bad at her core, like her
sultan father from whom they'd fled? How could she be,
when with Lord Thomas Claradon she'd known a moment of pure
beauty? Their kiss had been scorching as a desert sun.
But like a sandstorm, it was misdirecting: Thomas's
mother's disdain and his loyalty to family and duty put him
forever out of reach. Only a return to her birthplace, a
quest to find her roots, would bring Jasmine the answer--
and it would prove that true love could triumph over
ignorance, passion over prejudice.