Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!
Natalie Anderson
Blogging at Fresh Fiction
Natalie Anderson | Being Fearless May 22, 2008
Everyone has dreams and ambitions, don't they? At least, I hope everyone does
because dreams can be one of the most fun things in Read More...
Natalie Anderson did the final revisions to her manuscript from a hospital bed. Just after having an emergency cesarean section (twins), her husband brought her the e-mail from her editor. The publisher liked the previous revisions Natalie had already made and there was a slot for publication—but she had to have the rewrites done in a week. “So there I was, hooked up to the IV, on massive painkillers, manually expressing every two hours while my babies were locked away in ICU,” she says. But her husband thought that it was a good idea to go for it, so he brought in his brother’s laptop and Natalie went to work. She delivered the revisions that Friday. By Monday she was back at home and finally got The Call and she heard the magic words in that English accent: “We want to buy your book.”
Natalie has been writing seriously for only about two years. But since she started she’s written every night and every day of the week after her two children—and now her newborn twins—went to bed. She joined the Community boards in 2005, researching, participating and becoming addicted to the online reads. But Natalie says the best thing she found on the site was her critique partner, Jude.
She has just sent her second book to her editor, and is anxiously waiting to hear more good news—and a longer deadline!