February 18th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.


1 - 20 of 35 ( prev | next )

by Mercedes Lackey
"Tales of King Arthur and his queen never go out of style."
Posted September 15, 2010

I always get nervous whenever a writer decides to tackle the Arthurian legend. There are some truly classic works on Arthur, and any modern writer is treading in the shadows of giants. You just can't beat Thomas Malory Le Morte D'Arthur or T.H. White Read more...

The Clockwork Man
by William Jablonsky
"Part fable, part morality play, part character study --this book works like clockwork!"
Posted August 17, 2010

I confess to opening this book expecting some schlock, Frankenstein ripoff. And while any story about man creating life - albeit mechanical life in this case - owes some debt to Shelley's classic, THE CLOCKWORK MAN is a remarkably original tale. Filled with pathos, insight and intrigue, I was surprised to Read more...

A Devil In The Details
by K.A. Stewart
"Fortunately, the devil is in the details."
Posted August 17, 2010

When it comes to urban fantasy - which is, I believe, the term used for this sort of thing - there is the Dresden Files, and then there is everything else. Butcher's series is the mark by which all other entries into the genre are judged... at least by Read more...

Final Crisis
by Greg Cox
"It's a graphic novel, it's a book, no it's a plane!"
Posted August 17, 2010

It would be oh so very easy to pan FINAL CRISIS. We could start with the mere book's existence - what is the point of a novelization of a comic book? It's like a text-only version of Playboy. It misses most - if not all - of the Read more...

Freedom (TM)
by Daniel Suarez
"Daemon. Freedom. Must reads!"
Posted May 29, 2010

FREEDOM™ is the sequel to Daemon, and if you haven't read Deamon, stop reading this review. Go get Daemon. Read it. Then go get the sequel. You won't need me to convince you. If you feel like it, come read my review at some Read more...

by Mercedes Lackey
"Tales of King Arthur and his queen never go out of style."
Posted October 27, 2009

I always get nervous whenever a writer decides to tackle the Arthurian legend. There are some truly classic works on Arthur, and any modern writer is treading in the shadows of giants. You just can't beat Thomas Malory Le Morte D'Arthur or T.H. White Read more...

South Of Shiloh
by Chuck Logan
"A competent mystery-thriller set in the bizarre world of Civil War re-enactors."
Posted May 19, 2009

A Minnesota man is shot during a reenactment of a minor skirmish of the Civil War in the woods of North Mississippi. Was it an accident? Or was it murder? And was the cop standing next to him the real target? Those questions send the former lover of the victim Read more...

Lear's Daughters
by William Rossow, Marjorie B. Kellogg
"Weather outlook is cloudy but it might be a great book!"
Posted April 14, 2009

The chief challenge is writing a review of LEAR'S DAUGHTERS is in deciding if it's a great book, or merely a really good book. It's definitely worth reading - one of the best science fiction books I've read in a while - I'm just wavering on the Read more...

The Jennifer Morgue
by Charles Stross
"A truly fantastic book."
Posted March 12, 2009

Charles Stross is an author to watch. I loved Saturn's Children, and THE JENNIFER MORGUE shows another aspect of Stross' amazing inventiveness. A truly fantastic book. I have to say more than that, so I'll try and say THE JENNIFER MORGUE is so good - which will Read more...

My Revolutions
by Hari Kunzru
"60's Flashacks and well worth the read."
Posted March 12, 2009

For the boomer generation, the late sixties hold a special place in many hearts. It was a time of growth. A time of experimentation. A time of protest. A time of demonstrations. A time of revolution. And for Chris Carver, it was a time that he has spent the rest Read more...

by Laura E. Reeve
"A promising good first book in a series to come."
Posted March 12, 2009

PEACEKEEPER is a science-fiction war story, set long after the war is ended. Following the use of a solar-system wrecking weapon, the Terran Expansion League (TerraXL) and the Consortium of Autonomous Worlds (CAW) have forged an uneasy peace, largely forced upon them by the alien Minoans. Now the Read more...

New Tricks
by John Levitt
"Apparantly you can't teach and old dog..."
Posted March 12, 2009

NEW TRICKS picks up about a year or so after the previous book (reading of which is not required), with the guitarist and magical practitioner Mason and his dog-shaped Ifrit familiar Louie enjoying a laid-back life in San Francisco. When a friend has her brain sucked out by Read more...

The Knights of the Cornerstone
by James P. Blaylock
"A delightful ride down the river of conspiracy theory and the Templars."
Posted January 12, 2009

I've read more than a few books on the Templars in my day, and consider myself fairly knowledgeable on them, and the vast number of bizarre conspiracies that they have inspired. And never, ever, have I read a book that suggests that the Templars have ended up in a Read more...

Saturn's Children
by Charles Stross
"Fascinating voice and lens into his creation that draws the reader into an extravagant noir science fiction thriller"
Posted December 3, 2008

Don't judge a book by its cover. Good advice, though I never recall actually being told that in regards to books. In the case of SATURN'S CHILDREN, it's rather difficult not to judge the book by the cover, because the cover positively screams b-grade SF porn Read more...

The Name of the Wind
by Patrick Rothfuss
"All the hallmarks of a great fantasy story"
Posted December 3, 2008

I hate books like this. Absolutely, positively, loathe them. My fingers hurt from holding them open. Sleep deprivation makes me grumpy, irritable and cranky. I hate any book that is so good that the only thing that makes me stop reading them in the wee hours of the night is Read more...

Gotham Knight
by Louise Simonson
"Holy Novelization Batman!"
Posted December 3, 2008

I always approach novelizations of movies (or movie adaptations of novels) with some nervousness - not a lot, but enough to fall in the category of mild trepidation. They are rarely good, and are generally somewhere between awful and rubbish. In the case of GOTHAM KNIGHT, I was downright skeptical - the Read more...

The Time of New Weather
by Sean Murphy
"It's raining zen satire."
Posted May 15, 2008

I suppose that in this wide world of publishing that there is room for just about any genre, and mix of genres. Romantic comedies, techno-thrillers, religious mysteries, alternate histories and even mushing-mysteries I am fine with. But I don't quite know how to deal with Zen satire Read more...

Dragons Wild
by Robert Asprin
"There are dragons among us..."
Posted April 30, 2008

I had no idea what to expect coming into this book. The dragon on the cover indicated fantasy, but playing poker? What the heck? And by the author of Phule's Company? Comedy? Farce? I wasn't sure when I cracked it open, with some hesitation, I must admit. After Read more...

Whitechapel Gods
by S.M. Peters
"Imaginative, inventive and genre-bending...WOW!"
Posted April 8, 2008

This isn't an easy to review to write. Not because I didn't like it - quite the opposite really - but because to review the book I have to describe it, and WHITECHAPEL GODS is so bizarre and imaginative, I'm not sure how to describe it. I'm not Read more...

Goblin War
by Jim C. Hines
"Traditional fantasy from the bad guys perspective."
Posted April 8, 2008

GOBLIN WAR is the third book in the Jig the Goblin series, which may (or may not be) a trilogy. And considering some trilogies, this third book may or may not actually be the final book of the trilogy. If there is a fourth book, I'll gladly read it Read more...

Ed Pichon

Ed started reading Asimov when he was eight, and hasn't looked back since. While not working his engineering day job, he typically has his nose in three or four books. Ed's interests run to SF/fantasy, with a dose of history and (real) science to keep things interesting. When not reading, Ed spends his time playing games (computer, board, strategy or role-playing), serving at his church, and working puzzles.

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