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The Tycoon's Secret Daughter

The Tycoon's Secret Daughter, June 2012
by Susan Meier

Harlequin Romance
Featuring: Max Montgomery; Kate Hunter
192 pages
ISBN: 0373178115
EAN: 9780373178117
Kindle: B007BBVF00
Paperback / e-Book
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"sobering fact never meeting your child"

Fresh Fiction Review

The Tycoon's Secret Daughter
Susan Meier

Reviewed by Sandra Wurman
Posted July 12, 2012

Romance | Romance Series

Okay so here's the scoop. Living with an alcoholic -- no let's make that a drunk -- is difficult at best, dangerous at the worst. Coping with mood swings, binges, hangovers can endanger even the best marriage -- add an element of anger and violence the dynamics change completely. Fearing for herself and her unborn child Kate Hunter Montgomery did the only thing she could think of -- she ran, far enough to avoid seeing her husband Max. The divorce went smoothly, uncontested and handled between lawyers. There were times when Kate regretted keeping her daughter Trisha from the man she had loved with all her heart. But her primarily responsibility was her daughter's safety not the feelings of a man who drank all the time until he didn't know day from night. Her life was worlds apart from the wealthy empire of the Montgomery's and she knew Max would be able to wield his family's power. So her only safety net was keeping Trisha's existence totally secret.

Their chance meeting was sure to set off a chain of events that would alter all three of their lives. Almost immediately Max informed Kate that his lawyers were on the job to see that he gained some time or custody of his child. Kate knew she had to assert herself in a manner completely foreign to Max after all his memories would be of a docile wife not an independent single mother. She knew Trisha should get to know her father but couldn't get past the fear she felt the last time they were together - the vision of things breaking and being thrown -- a slate that isn't easily wiped clean just because someone says they are sober. Even someone you still love with all your heart. Love is easy to win back, its trust that would take longer -- if ever.

So the arrangement is that if Max wants to spend any time with Trisha it's with Kate present. At first Max balks at this but even through his anger he realizes the wrong he had done and saying sorry doesn't erase the memories of some really bad times. Being sober these last years has been an ongoing challenge. There are still some deep seated issues that he hasn't dealt with.

Getting back the woman he still loved and more importantly regaining her trust might just break the ugly cycle and give him a change to finally explore the source of his anger. Max is going to have to convince not only Kate but her parents that he can be trusted. This is probably the most important deal Max will ever broker -- for his family.

THE TYCOON'S SECRET DAUGHTER is a wonderfully honest story about facing personal demons and hopefully coming out on the winning side. THE TYCOON'S SECRET DAUGHTER definitely has a strong message about making difficult decisions when faced with personal safety. Meier doesn't gloss over the issues but still manages to keep a feeling of hope alive.

Learn more about The Tycoon's Secret Daughter


Max Montgomery had it all: charm, good looks and a career as CEO of the family business. Marriage to Kate Hunter was the icing on the cake. Until a devastating family secret sent his world—and then his marriage—crashing down around him.

Years later, Max is accidentally reunited with Kate, who also has a secret—the daughter he's never met! Bonding with adorable Trisha may come naturally, but with the shadows of the past still haunting him, recapturing the heart of the woman he's never stopped loving is quite a different matter….

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