Effington Family & Friends #6
March 2003
Featuring: Gwendolyn Townsend; Marcus Holcroft
384 pages ISBN: 0060001453 EAN: 9780060001452 Paperback Add to Wish List
Distressed over the current widespread disinterest
inmatrimony among their eminently marriageable offspring,
the formidable matriarchs of the ton have taken matters
into their own meddling hands with the formation of The
Ladies' Society for the Betterment of the Future of
Britain. Their first challenge: the Earl of Pennington.
Miss Gwendolyn Townsend has seen her late father's estate
go to a distant cousin she can't abide ... leaving her
well-educated, able to make a perfect curtsy -- and
penniless. So imagine her shock when it's discovered that
a match had been arranged between herself and Marcus
Holcroft, the Earl of Pennington -- one of the most
eligible members of London society. Marcus constantly
leaves her breathless and confused ... and though she's
hesitant to marry a man she's just met, in the end she has
no choice. But she makes some conditions first ...
Marcus cannot believe that the bride who has been foisted
upon him is insisting on rules to their wedding ... and
bedding! He's a man who has never had to tempt any woman
into his arms. But even more surprising is that Gwendolyn
is clearly hiding something -- and it shocks him to think
that their exquisite kisses -- followed by his lessons in
passionate lovemaking -- wouldn'tbe enough to make his
wife tell him her every secret. After all, he's promised
to be a proper husband -- isn?t it fair to also expect a
proper wife?