Hot, Hard and Impossible Cowboys, August 2024
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His Spy at Night, September 2016
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Her Spy to Have, March 2016
Her Spy to Have, March 2016
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Black Widow Demon, December 2013
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Never show fear to a demon
Demon Outlaws #2
Entangled Select
December 2013
On Sale: November 26, 2013
Featuring: Raven; Blade
400 pages ISBN: 1622660455 EAN: 9781622660452 Kindle: B00C74OXIM Paperback / e-Book
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Fantasy Urban | Romance Paranormal
Passionate and headstrong, half-demon Raven is nearly
executed on the orders of her fundamentalist stepfather. She
escapes from the burning stake using the gifts of her
otherworldly heritage and the help of a mortal stranger
named Blade. Now she’s set on revenge, and only quiet,
intense Blade stands in her way. A retired assassin weary of the weight of his past, Blade
has crossed the desert to seek out a new life. His journey
is interrupted when his conscience demands he help Raven
find an old friend who can help her. Saving her from her
need for revenge and delivering her into the hands of loved
ones means he’s one step closer to redemption. But as Blade’s sense of duty becomes something more and
threats, both mortal and immortal, stalk the woman he can’t
abandon, he could very well fall back into the life he’s
trying so hard to escape.
No awards found for this book. Demon Outlaws
37 comments posted.
Re: Black Widow Demon
I loved most of your list--I must add Supernatural to the list. If you haven't watched it yet, I think you should give it a try. However, it is in it's 9th season, so I'd start out with older episodes, which are played daily on TNT. I loved watching both Firefly and Fringe, by the way (and if you like weird, as well as hot sexy guys, you'll like Supernatural). :D (Sandy Kenny 12:40pm November 29, 2013)
Grim. Also Charmed, Once Upon a Time, Vikings, Game of Thrones, and, I confess, Criminal Minds. Romances in all of the British Isles before 1750 and vampire, werewolves and other shifters or fae are my favorites. (Sharon Mitchell 2:21am November 29, 2013)
Yes to Sons and Justified (did you know Boyd Crowder is also on Sons in a minor role that is hysterical?) and I also love GoT, but I have to say - I never got the allure of Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock. :)
We watched all of Community on Netflix. At first I thought it was stupid and then I got hooked. Abed is my favorite. (Donna Alward 7:02am November 29, 2013)
You got me at Buffy. Then the spinoff Angel and then Bones. David Boreanaz just draws me in.Sanctuary is nice and dark with all kinds of wonderful monsters which I stumbled upon on HBO. All of them have strong female leads. But for a good laugh, I love Big Bang Theory too. Eureka is another favourite I found on the Space channel. It's quirky and funny. (Debbie Boutilier 7:51am November 29, 2013)
i loved most of the list i watched buffy and was a complete fan or addicted to that show also my sister got me into charmed and i started to watch that one regularly (Denise Smith 8:44am November 29, 2013)
I'm sort of in the same boat you are. We live out in the country, and can only get in 1 Canadian TV channel, 2 on a good day. That gives us slim pickins'. Most of the time, we end up listening to the radio, and I don't really miss TV as much as I used to. The one show my Husband and I watch is Big Bang, as you do, but my Husband is more of a TV junkie. One show that he watches is Played, which you'd probably enjoy. It's a show about young, undercover cops who solve crimes. The other show is Person of Interest. Everyone is under surveillance, and a secret machine can see into the future. You'd really have to watch the show to understand more about it. Outside of that, I have no recommendations for you, since I don't watch TV. I sympathize with you as far as the Canadian choices!! Your book sounds like a real page-turner, and will help me get through the cold Northern Winter!! Love the cover!! (Peggy Roberson 9:14am November 29, 2013)
I am a TV junkie. Plain and simple, I love watching my regular shows, but always excited when there is some new series to watch, hoping it doesn't get canceled as many of the ones I like or get hooked on seem to. I must have low expectations or not part of the in crowd (meaning the right age group of 18 year olds - I am much older and less hip or not hip at all!#@&%) (C Culp 10:09am November 29, 2013)
I'm loving the sound of Raven & Blade's story. And we have similar taste in tv (Liz Cranage 11:24am November 29, 2013)
Hell On Wheels, Big BAng Theory and Once Upon A Time, that's about it (Lisa Avila 11:25am November 29, 2013)
I binge-Buffied a couple of years ago, but stopped before I watched the last three or four episodes. Denial for the end of the series? Probably. Don't judge me, Paula, but I just finished watching all three seasons of Teen Wolf.
Favorite Buffy quote: "Bored now." (E.J. Russell 12:27pm November 29, 2013)
I loved Buffy the Vampire Slayer! No new recs from me,though. (G. Bisbjerg 12:47pm November 29, 2013)
I'm a fan of Fox's Bones & X-Files. I got hooked on Showtime's Dexter when there was a writers' strike and they showed it on CBS (heavily edited). BBC's Sherlock is having season 3 start in January here in the USA!! (Laura Gullickson 1:33pm November 29, 2013)
I mostly watch the news and sports (Sandy Giden 2:00pm November 29, 2013)
aaahh, another TV junkie - LOVE Buffy, NCIS, and a lot of the reality-tv cooking shows (go figure since I was absent the day any cooking talent was given out) - like Chopped, Top Chef, Hell's Kitchen, Restaurant Impossible - (Felicia Ciaudelli 2:50pm November 29, 2013)
NCIS and Big Bang:) I don't have full cable, after a year of no cable, but I like the forensic shows. I tell hubby to be careful! Lol (Michelle Schafer 3:28pm November 29, 2013)
From the above list I always liked Buffy, Charmed was the best and Sherlock I also enjoyed. However, I'm following Haven now and am very much enjoying it! (Vennie Martinisi 3:44pm November 29, 2013)
My favorites are Once Upon A Time, Charmed, Paranormal State, Ghost Hunters and Ghost Aventures. Love anything paranormal/supernatural, because it's so interesting. I know I'd enjoy your demon outlaws! (Linda Luinstra 4:03pm November 29, 2013)
I absolutely love Sons of Anarchy. But my husband and I actually take up paranormal investigating whenever we have the chance. When we can't get out there, we enjoy watching paranormal shows, such as Ghost Hunters, Paranormal State, Ghost Hunters, Ghost Mine, etc. (Jennifer Hunt 4:33pm November 29, 2013)
Mine are Grimm, Once Upon a Time, Arrow, Sleepy Hallow, and Castle. (Kai Wong 5:04pm November 29, 2013)
Love watching NCIS, Criminal Minds and Bones (Jean Patton 5:05pm November 29, 2013)
I'm a big fan of the BBC Sherlock. Love Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. (Anne MacFarlane 5:20pm November 29, 2013)
My all time fave was Star Trek---sure wish there were more episodes. (Sue Farrell 5:22pm November 29, 2013)
I tend toward reality ... Top Chef, Project Runway ... though I do get irritated if there is a lot of "personality conflicts"; I watch sports mostly football;I love old monster and detective movies (get those of Netflix) and about the only series I watch is NCIS. (Annetta Sweetko 6:38pm November 29, 2013)
I think I watch even less TV than you do, but I have to second Buffy, Charmed, and Firefly--though I haven't seen any of them in quite a while. My 14 yr old recently discovered Buffy, and breaks into song at random moments, singing from the musical episode (hopefully you've already seen it? One of my faves...)
Thanks for the contest! Reading I do somehow always find time for ;) (Becky Moe 7:21pm November 29, 2013)
I'm loving the Blacklist, new this season, as well as Fringe and Justified (Jackie Stieghorst 8:30pm November 29, 2013)
One of my favorites is Castle. (Maureen Emmons 8:55pm November 29, 2013)
The Walking Dead! Thanks for the contest! (Linda Townsend 10:23pm November 29, 2013)
I don't watch much tv on my own but my hubby is a junkie, especially for reality tv shows so I must confess that I like to marvel at the dishes that the folks on Master Chef prepare (from one who is more likely to burn water because she is reading a book!) (E Felder 10:40pm November 29, 2013)
Sleepy Hollow, Arrow, Grimm, Castle, Bones, and PBS Masterpiece Mysteries are my current tv passions. If I dvr the commercial shows I gain extra time to read. (Joanne Hicks 10:59pm November 29, 2013)
NCIS, CSI, Bones, Sleepy Hollow (great show!!) and a new favorite of mine, Castle! (Martha Lawson 11:29pm November 29, 2013)
I'm horrible about sticking with a show. I do love Doctor Who, Big Bang Theory and Myth Busters. . . . When I get a chance to watch them. (Glenda Martillotti 8:46am November 30, 2013)
Buffy, Supernatural... yeah! (Roxana Perez 9:36am November 30, 2013)
Some of my favs are Beauty and the Beast and Arrow! (Colleen Conklin 1:16pm November 30, 2013)
Hard to narrow it down. How about the top four: Walking Dead, Masters of Sex, Nashville and Mad Men. Love them all. (Julianne MacLean 1:45pm November 30, 2013)
My current favorite shows are Big Bang Theory and Castle. (Janie McGaugh 11:01pm November 30, 2013)
I love SUPERNATURAL and THE BIG BANG THEORY. Both fun to watch. (Mary Preston 12:25pm December 1, 2013)
I like Warehouse 13 which is off and on. Hope it come back in January. I will have to look for Sherlock. (Leona Olson 8:24am December 1, 2013)
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