A woman fleeing from a violent past soon discovers that there is nothing so dangerous--or tempting--as a Scotsman in love, in this historical romance.
December 2011
On Sale: November 29, 2011
Featuring: Gordon MacDermond; Shona Imrie
384 pages ISBN: 0062027786 EAN: 9780062027788 Kindle: B0053V714O Paperback / e-Book Add to Wish List
Shona Imrie should have agreed to Gordon MacDermond's
proposal of marriage seven years ago -- before he went off
to war and returned a national hero -- but the proud
Scottish lass would accept no man's charity. The dashing
soldier would never truly share her love and the passion
that left her weak and breathless -- or so she believed --
so instead she gave herself to another. Now she faces
disgrace, poverty, and a life spent alone for her steadfast
refusal to follow her heart.
Honored with a baronetcy for his courage under fire, Gordon
has everything he could ever want -- excerpt for the one
thing he most fervently desires: the headstrong beauty he
foolishly let slip through his fingers. Conquering Shona's
stubborn pride, however, will prove his most difficult
battle -- though it is the one for which he is most willing
to risk his life, his heart, and his soul.