Hannah Swenson #14
March 2011
On Sale: February 22, 2011
Featuring: Hannah Swensen
304 pages ISBN: 0758234910 EAN: 9780758234919 Hardcover Add to Wish List
These days, everyone in Lake Eden, Minnesota, is buzzing
with activity, and Hannah Swensen is no exception. But no
matter how busy she may be, Hannah can always find time to
help a friend in need—especially when he’s been murdered…
Hannah Swensen has to admit that her life is pretty sweet.
Things are going well in the romance department, and her
bakery’s delectable confections are selling almost as fast
as she can bake them. Even her good friend Claire is on
Cloud Nine, head over heels with her new husband, Reverend
Bob Knudson. If only they could find time to take their
When Bob’s childhood friend, Matthew Walters, comes to town,
it seems like divine intervention. Matthew, like Bob, is a
Lutheran minister with a stubborn sweet tooth. Since he’s on
sabbatical, Matthew is happy to fill in for Bob while he and
Claire take that long-awaited honeymoon. It sounds like the
perfect plan—until Hannah finds Matthew in the rectory,
face-down in a plate full of Devil’s Food Cake, a single
bullet in his head.
Determined to find out who killed Matthew, Hannah starts
asking questions—and discovers that the good Reverend wasn’t
quite the saintly fellow he appeared to be. But could the
gold Sacagawea coins in Sunday’s collection plate hold the
key to solving the crime? Or is the murder connected to that
big jewel heist out in Minneapolis? Is it possible that
Matthew’s love of chocolate somehow led to his downfall? It
will take some more digging to find out, but Hannah is sure
of one thing: even the most half-baked murder plot can be oh
so deadly…
chocolate and a mystery life can't get much better. (MaryEllen Hanneman 2:55pm March 1, 2011)
If you love mysteries, as I do, and know that chocolate is so good for you, how can you go wrong? (Reeta Harrison 3:53pm March 1, 2011)
Mystery, chocolate and recipes... my idea of a good time. (Kai Wong 11:50pm March 1, 2011)
Would LOVE to win this one! Muy delicioso!
- Nancy G (Nancy Gazo 10:51am March 2, 2011)
What a way to go face down in a plate of Devil's Food cake. Love chocolate and this book sounds scrumptious. (Gigi Hicks 5:22pm March 5, 2011)
Yummm...would love to win (Deb Longworth 9:41pm March 9, 2011)
Love your book's title and cover! Please count me in... Many thanks, Cindi jchoppes[at]hotmail[dot]com (Cindi Hoppes 11:06pm March 10, 2011)
Oh, a good mystery and chocolate. Now how can you go wrong. Oh can taste that chocolate now. Love your books. (Diane Castiglione 1:26pm March 12, 2011)
Devils Food Cake Murder-love that! I love a good murder mystery
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com (Vicki Wurgler 11:12am March 13, 2011)
What a wonderful gift! Not only do I get to read another of your fantastic, fun mystery books. I will get to make and enjoy my next favorite thing chocolate. (Cathy Genna 10:27am March 18, 2011)
Did Hannah wait to long for her dentist boyfriend? The his partner conning him about the child? Don't go for the cop, Hannah! (Kathy Ellenberger 8:01pm April 23, 2011)