Pennyfoot Hotel #10
January 1998
On Sale: January 1, 1998
Featuring: Cecily Sinclair
217 pages ISBN: 0425161447 EAN: 9780425161449 Paperback Add to Wish List
The London aristocracy has discovered the pleasures of
seaside holidays in Badgers End, and it's Cecily
Sinclair's job as the owner of the Pennyfoot Hotel to keep
them comfortable and entertained. Detective work is not
part of her duties--but Cecily is only too willing to help
the local constable when death pays an unexpected visit...
The lobster salad at the Pennyfoot is exceptional--but
it's certainly not to die for. So when the doctor claims
food poisoning killed Lord Sittingdon, it's hard to
believe. Then Cecily catches sight of a mysterious figure
wandering the hotel grounds. Now there's reason for
suspicion, and if others are in danger, Cecily will have
to do some investigating of her own--before murder becomes
the special of the day...