February 10th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Roxanne Snopek

USA TODAY Bestselling author Roxanne Snopek writes contemporary small-town romance, usually with a dollop of crazy. Plus a dog or two. Praised for her strong heroines and true-to-life heroes, her stories also touch on timely topics such as animal welfare, community responsibility and modern family dynamics. Plus the wisdom of middle-aged women. We are wise. You should listen to us.

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28 comments posted.

Re: Her Secret, His Surprise (2:06pm July 30, 2014):

It's a great book, readers - and I'm not just saying this
because Paula has photos locked in a safe somewhere. ;)

Re: The Curse (4:06pm September 18, 2012):

The Keeper Kase is a fantastic idea! As a writer, I love it... as a reader I love it! I'm very happy with my Kobo, but I miss the impact of full-color glossy cover art. I'm going to sign up at Keeper Kase right now!

Re: Deadly Little Lies (4:02pm September 18, 2012):

The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver is one of my favorites... as is Watchers by Dean Koontz... as is anything by Barbara Samuel... oh I HATE having to choose!!

Re: Three River Ranch (3:41pm September 18, 2012):

And just like that, you're entered to win a copy! Good luck, Teresa!

Re: Three River Ranch (12:31pm September 18, 2012):

Thanks, Clare! I agree! The cover art has gotten a lot of compliments.

Thanks for joining us, Mary and Teresa! I hope you like Three River Ranch.

Re: Three River Ranch (1:15am September 18, 2012):

Thanks for joining me everyone - I've had a lovely time! One of you will win a copy of Three River Ranch as a thank-you for chiming in today.

For the rest of you, remember, for only $2.99, you not only buy your own copy, you'll be doing your part to keep me off the streets. It's good karma.

Cheers all, and good night!

Re: Three River Ranch (1:10am September 18, 2012):

Such self-control... such admirable discretion... ladies, I am humbled by your wisdom.

Since I have almost no dignity left anyway, I shall continue to share my exploits. I think it's a writer thing. I figure if I can make others feel better about themselves, it's all good. Even if the only reason they feel good is because THEY AREN'T ME!

Re: Three River Ranch (1:02am September 18, 2012):

Empty Nester with a Honeymoon Attitude - I LOVE it, Joanne! That's awesome!

Re: Three River Ranch (12:37pm September 18, 2012):

Kai, I've had those exact conversations! Don'cha hate that?

Re: Three River Ranch (6:49pm September 17, 2012):

I don't know what made me think of spiders. I got tired of yoga, I guess. And some of my most embarrassing moments involve spiders.

Or, maybe my ADD is kicking in.

Re: Three River Ranch (6:44pm September 17, 2012):

I recently posted a picture of the giant spider in my garage. Turns out a lot of people hate spiders as much as I do! And everyone's got a spider story: nearly causing an accident when discovering one in the car, having one crawl out of your robe pocket and (my personal favorite) waking up to learn you've swallowed one because the LEGS are still on your lips.

Re: Three River Ranch (6:29pm September 17, 2012):

I know, Natasha! And I have personal space issues, too! Bikram is a special sort of hell... until you get into it. Then it's addictive. Very strange.

And I should confess, the thankfully-non-droopy UnderArmours those guys wore were no more revealing than your average yoga attire... well, the white was still a bad decision... but believe it or not, after the first pose or two, no one really pays attention to anyone else; you're too busy trying to breathe.

Re: Three River Ranch (6:22pm September 17, 2012):

Ha, Linda, now you can say you HAVE posted one of those moments! Thanks for sharing that; I'll bet those guys were secretly thrilled...

Re: Three River Ranch (4:42pm September 17, 2012):

I joined Facebook originally only so I could stalk my kids. I see perplexingly little, which makes me suspect I've been quietly unfriended.

And after all I've done for them.

Re: Three River Ranch (4:03pm September 17, 2012):

The best part about the "sweaty, naked boys" incident is that it wasn't *me* who was embarrassed. In fact, no one was embarrassed, although the one guy probably would have been, had he known what happens to tighty-whities after 90 minutes of hot yoga. Can you say transparent?

Let's just say, he had nothing to be ashamed of.

Re: Three River Ranch (3:56pm September 17, 2012):

Does that mean you've never done anything embarrassing, Shelly?

Re: Three River Ranch (2:23pm September 17, 2012):

I grew up pathologically shy. Socially terrified. Wretchedly awkward. I went through 12 years of public school without sneezing, for fear of drawing attention to myself. It's a wonder I still have eardrums.

Then in grade 10, one of my teachers took it upon himself to make me speak up in class, by whatever means necessary. He relentlessly - but kindly - poked at me, joking, pushing, pressing until I was forced to learn some rudimentary verbal self-defense. (I still wouldn't sneeze, though.)

It was such a relief to discover that laughing at myself could actually be fun! That I could say that answer that no one else knew, and show how smart I was. (Or, as it turned out, how dumb I was.) That I would not, in fact, die of embarrassment.

That was the genesis of my education in what my sister refers to as "self-defecating" humor.

Re: Three River Ranch (2:01pm September 17, 2012):

From what I can tell, Diane, it's ONLY the embarrassing stuff that lives forever. So, good for you for being cautious!

Re: Three River Ranch (1:59pm September 17, 2012):

Pat, congratulations on the NSD report! My dad and father-in-law both had the same thing about, hm, a few years ago and are both all clear as well. (Dad? Is that you?? WHEN DID YOU LEARN ABOUT THE INTERNET??)

That's great news, Pat (if that's really your name...) and I'm so glad I gave you a chuckle!

Re: Three River Ranch (1:54pm September 17, 2012):

Marjorie, Shirley, Wilma, I bow to your circumspect wisdom. I was once circumspect, if not wise. Then I got married. Then I had children. Dignity? Gone. Sense of humor? I was forced to grow one. Hopefully, I only aim it at myself, but who knows. My children may be plotting against me as we speak. I'm safe from my husband though... I know where the bodies, so to speak are buried.

Re: Three River Ranch (1:51pm September 17, 2012):

LOL Nora! My books are pretty tame, in truth, so I can only hope my more adventurous readers don't put out a hit on me!

Re: Three River Ranch (1:48pm September 17, 2012):

Lemme tell you, Kate, I think it got me through menopause. I figured maybe if I sat in the hot room long enough, I'd hot-flash myself out. Who knows if it helped, or if my hormones just finally gave up.

Re: Three River Ranch (1:45pm September 17, 2012):

Haha, Angelina! I humbly offer my foibles for your amusement!

Re: Three River Ranch (1:07pm September 17, 2012):

What kind of a dorkus proposes over the Internet? Seriously.

Re: Three River Ranch (1:06pm September 17, 2012):

Aw, c'mon Natasha. Your secret's safe with us!

Re: Three River Ranch (1:05pm September 17, 2012):

And thank you, yes, didn't the cover artists do a FANTASTIC job?

Re: Three River Ranch (1:04pm September 17, 2012):

Peggy, you've made a good point: emotional-posting is like drunk-dialing, I think. Good chance you'll regret it later...

Re: Three River Ranch (1:02pm September 17, 2012):

Very wise, you cautious people. I wish I could say I'd learn from you... but it's probably easier to move and change my name.

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