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It Will Just Be Us

It Will Just Be Us, September 2020
by Jo Kaplan

Crooked Lane Books
272 pages
ISBN: 1643854496
EAN: 9781643854496
Kindle: B08273GR1L
Hardcover / e-Book
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"It is said that some doors should never be opened…"

Fresh Fiction Review

It Will Just Be Us
Jo Kaplan

Reviewed by Teresa Cross
Posted September 8, 2020

Horror | Thriller Domestic

A thriller, IT WILL JUST BE US written by Jo Kaplan is one horror novel that will leave you with chills at night. Kaplan’s descriptions of the old mansion in the story make you wonder why anyone would still live there. However, as you read you see why they do. There were a couple of times I wanted the main character, Sam to take more control over some things but if she did what we wanted the story would not have the intense feeling it does. The mysteries she tries to unravel kept me engrossed in the storyline. This story has a twist at the end that will take you by surprise that left me feeling a little melancholy, but you will have to read it to see why.

Sam lives in the old mansion with her mom who will not leave it. It is an ancestral home with a history that is as much alive today as it was back then as one can see the echoes of the ghost from the past. With the walls decaying given it a much ghostly feel, many people talk about the women who live there. Then Sam’s pregnant sister, Elizabeth moves in after having a fight with her husband. And with this move comes a new ghost never seen before. A faceless boy who is as mean as can be killing animals and hurting other children. What is his connection to the house? Other than a locked room that has been forgotten, Sam must unravel the mystery that this boy brings before her sister’s baby is delivered. However, that is only half of her problems, as the plot carries more obstacles.

IT WILL JUST BE US really is a haunted house full of mystery, death, and pain. Jo Kaplan did a wonderful job capturing your attention in this one and holding you there until the last chapter. I really didn’t expect the ending and found myself wondering what would happen if certain things did not unfold the way they did. But then I had to remember, this is just a novel that is so well written that I lost myself inside its pages.

Learn more about It Will Just Be Us


They say there's a door in Wakefield that never opens... Sam Wakefield's ancestral home, a decaying mansion built on the edge of a swamp, isn't a place for children. Its labyrinthine halls, built by her mad ancestors, are filled with echoes of the past: ghosts and memories knotted together as one. In the presence of phantoms, it's all Sam can do to disentangle past from present in her daily life. But when her pregnant sister Elizabeth moves in after a fight with her husband, something in the house shifts. Already navigating her tumultuous relationship with Elizabeth, Sam is even more unsettled by the appearance of a new ghost: a faceless boy who commits disturbing acts--threatening animals, terrorizing other children, and following Sam into the depths of the house wielding a knife. When it becomes clear the boy is connected to a locked, forgotten room, one which is never entered, Sam realizes this ghost is not like the others. This boy brings doom... As Elizabeth's due date approaches, Sam must unravel the mysteries of Wakefield before her sister brings new life into a house marked by death. But as the faceless boy grows stronger, Sam will learn that some doors should stay closed--and some secrets are safer locked away forever.

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1 comment posted.

Re: It is said that some doors should never be opened…

It leaves me wanting more.
(Robert Young 1:17pm September 9, 2020)

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