Simeen, her husband Nirvaan and their best friend Zayaan all
live together ever since Nirvaan has been diagnosed with
cancer. Knowing each other since they were teenagers their
friendship kept them together through thick and thin, but
during their 30th year, Simeen, as well as Zayaan, will be
forced to make tough choices regarding themselves, their
needs and desires. Can the three friends keep up their
friendship dynamic or will their final year change
everything between the three of them in one way or another?
Bursting with a raw and primitive talent, MY LAST LOVE STORY
by Falguni Kothari is a story that dares to explore a
friendship between two men and one woman as well as
introduce the reader to the culture of South Asians from
India that make their homes in America. MY LAST LOVE STORY
is an unpolished diamond in the rough that will dare to
question societal norms and what ultimately is "normal" and
"not normal". MY LAST LOVE STORY veers sharply between
romance and women's fiction genres and tends to be raw and,
without a warning, MY LAST LOVE STORY switches the two so
quickly that its reminiscent of sucking on a gobstopper
candy. The exploration of the world and characters are more
focused on Simeen and the love triangle she has with both
her husband and Zayaan as well as her secrets and her
indecision in whether or not she wants to follow Nirvaan's
wishes. Simeen questions, double questions, even triple
questions the bond she has developed with Nirvaan and Zayaan
and what is the right choice?
Aside from the focus on friendship, MY LAST LOVE STORY
focuses heavily on family and relationships between
siblings, parents and their children and between in-laws
which is something rare and unusual in a plethora of novels
of this genre that are replete with romance. People in MY
LAST LOVE STORY are all too human in a real world and are
more likely to be remembered than forgotten.
Ultimately, MY LAST LOVE STORY is a story of unconventional
choices, and people who enjoy diverse reads and want to
learn something more about South Asians living in California
in America will be wise to choose MY LAST LOVE STORY.
"Promise me you'll learn to cuss, learn to love again.
Live again. Promise me you won't give up on each other."
Simi Desai is thirty years old and her husband is dying of
cancer. He has two last wishes in his final months: first,
that she'll have his baby so that a piece of him lives on,
and second, that she'll reconcile with her old flame, who
just happens to be their mutual best friend. And so over the
course of their last summer together, Simi's husband plans a
series of big and small adventures for this unlikely trio,
designed to help them say goodbye to each other and prove to
Simi that it's okay to move on without him—and even find
love again.
Beautiful and poignant, Falguni Kothari's My
Last Love Story will pull your heartstrings as only
unforgettable love stories can.