I hate to be the bearer of bad news but there are just
some people that are rotten to their very core. No matter
how you try to justify or forgive their behavior in the
end the result will ultimately be the same -- guilty as
charged. Strange how even within a family you can harbor
that element of evil. Once again the age old question
pops up -- nature or nurture. I am always amazed that
families can be made up of such very different people --
those with a soul and those without. Janet Dailey does an
admirable job of illustrating just how different family
members can be in book two of her Tyler of Texas trilogy
-- TEXAS TOUGH. Any title under the Janet Dailey banner
catches my eye. TEXAS TOUGH is guaranteed to grab hold
tight right through to the exciting end.
Lauren Prescott and Sky Fletcher could not be more
different. Lauren born and raised with many privileges of
the wealthy and powerful. Sky was the bastard child of an
Indian woman and unnamed white father. But each faced
challenges in their lives that basically molded them into
strong people. Difficulties can either beat you down or
inspire you to reach great heights and make you into a
strong independent person. That is the common thread
between Lauren and Sky.
The fact that they both are strongly attracted to each
other is bound to present many problems -- some seemingly
insurmountable. But no matter how they convinced
themselves that it is best to ignore that attraction it
seems as if life keeps throwing them together. And there
is no doubt that separately they are strong intelligent
people but as a couple they are just plain super. In
TEXAS TOUGH Janet Dailey is honest and forthright in her
quest to help this couple find the heart of their
Sky is grappling with the tenuous relationship between
him and the men who he just learned are his brothers. He
loves the Tylers and is clearly grateful for all their
support and friendship since coming to their ranch as a
teenager. In Sky's mind there are more important issues
at the ranch to tackle. His connection to the Tylers is
better left as it is -- at least for now.
Lauren's father is driven to excess with his political
goals and isn't above using his own daughter to garner
backing. Their relationship has always been conflicted.
Now back at the Prescott ranch Lauren is realizing how
little concern for her welfare her own father has. She
knows that she has to learn how to stand on her own two
feet even if that means acquiescing to Sky's limiting
their relationship.
Sky doesn't really want to stay away from Lauren but she
has enough to deal with without adding her father's
animosity for what he considers a half breed. The unexpected
appearance of Sky's unsavory cousins are throwing a big
wrench in the works.
In TEXAS TOUGH Janet Dailey has created a town where many
residents are unsavory to say the least -- dangerous to be
sure. As you read TEXAS TOUGH you are faced with a
multitude of perils -- some human and other nature itself.
Janet Dailey proves you have to be tough -- TEXAS TOUGH.
He’s everything she doesn’t need.
The quiet horse whisperer whose touch still ignites her
dreams—and is everything wealthy Lauren Prescott is not. She
can think of a million reasons why she should never ever
fall into Sky Fletcher's sure embrace again. Until she
clashes head-on with the dangerous complications of her
privileged life and needs his protection like air to breathe
. . .
She's more than he can resist.
The heiress Sky can't get out of his heart, no matter how
much he tries. And being the secret third Tyler son doesn't
change a thing. All he wants from his two brothers is help
uncovering a dangerous conspiracy threatening his land,
their ranch, and the spirited beauty he never should have
touched. . .