The blissful small town of Twilight, Texas is full of love surrounding
the Cheek family. Residents look after each other and spreading
cheer during the holidays, especially Christmas, is mandatory.
Hunky, good-looking Joseph is the youngest sibling in the family,
assuming duties of the family Christmas tree farm since the
grandfather's heart attack. Having ADHD has always been a
reckoning to deal with in staying grounded in one place for long.
Law student Gabrielle Preston is a product of two famous,
prestigious and rich lawyers in Los Angeles who made the
decision years ago to bring another child into the world in hopes of
saving their son from cancer. Derrick could not be saved and died
when Gabi was only six-years-old. Following her parent's
expectations of becoming a lawyer, Gabi finally faces reality
that she never rocks the cart and does whatever to please everyone
else. Now is her time to re-evaluate who she truly is and what she
wants. Swapping her life with an online friend, she and Katie
change houses, cars and lives for three weeks, returning to their
normal lives on Christmas day. Escaping the hustle and bustle of
L.A. isn't the only thing she discovers when the sexy guy she meets
is Katie's brother and the yurt she is to live in is directly across
from the Christmas tree farm. A kiss from Joe stops her legendary
hiccups when nervous, but starts her heart racing. As the quaint
town and Joe capture her heart, leaving is sure to break her heart.
No one has ever managed to give her the heart-stopping orgasms
that Joe does. Finding herself is dampened
only by the thought of giving up Joe when she leaves.
I'LL BE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS is not the first I have read by Lori Wilde
and definitely not the last. Her Twilight, Texas novels are truly
wonderful, filled with emotion, love and a town full of truly caring
people. If you don't fall in love with the town of Twilight, then you
haven't read one of her books. This is a very delightful tale of
finding your worth and love at the same time while learning to
believe in the magic of Christmas. My heart went out to Gabi, a
beautiful, sassy woman always doing what everyone else wanted,
setting her own heart and wants aside. If you miss this series, it will
be a huge mistake!
Christmas in Twilight, Texas, is all merriment and
mistletoe. The Cookie Club is whipping up their most festive
sweets, the townspeople are scrambling to get their holiday
shopping done, and Joe—a hometown guy with a restless
heart—is dreaming about the woman he wants to kiss most . . .
• . . And who happens to be staying at his sister's place
over the holidays, while Joe's sister is away. But Joe isn't
quite sure he wants to be a living Christmas present to
runaway law student Gabi Preston.
Joe thinks the sassy sweetheart he nicknames "Trouble" won't
inconvenience anything but his healthy sex drive. But when
he discovers the reasons Gabi escaped from her life, he
aches to give her everything she's never had. As the magic
of the season draws them together, the gift of love is the
only one worth giving…