Shay Beckham moves to San Antonio, Texas from New York where
she is temporarily staying with her brother Hank. Shay has a
contract for her job as graphic designer that allows her to work
from anywhere. Returning from one of her New York trips she is
stunned to find her sexy dream since 8-years-old, Joe Reilly,
standing butt naked in front of her. Joe was her teenage crush and
star of her adult erotic fantasies as well as Hank's best friend. A
famous NFL quarterback star, Joe is retired and a sportscaster with
Fox News since his career ending injury. Hank's message is for Joe
to make himself at home until he returns--with no mention of Shay.
Every woman's ideal hunk, who's now in her shower, has Shay
completely mesmerized by the gorgeous man standing naked
in all his glory after 15 years. Joe is just as shell shocked to see the
captivating woman taking his breath away who used to be the
skinny awkward kid following he and Hank around. No way was
Shay going to share the space with this player. His past flings and
player reputation keep that red flag in front of Shay, no matter how
hot he makes her. It's just too bad they can't elude each other and they
end up falling for hot, undeniable sex. But, maybe cordial
erotic sex would be ok while he's there? Shay and Joe both fess
up and admit they have loved each other from the beginning, and
just didn't realize it until now. Things look pretty great, especially
those erotic crazy sexy things he does to her, if only his secrets
didn't keep her edgy. Keeping a low profile, Joe is anonymously
involved in many special charitable organizations and needs to
convince Shay he is indeed a changed man before revealing that
info. If his secrets involving an old flame wouldn't keep surfacing,
Joe just might have a chance at making Shay his own.
This very cute story is one of the Game On series by this creative
author. Take one hot NFL star and a successful "little sister" of his
best friend, and together they make the sparks fly hot. Their
sizzling sex consumes them but trust is an issue for Shay. There is
an awful lot of really hot sex throughout, and probably a little bit
more than I needed in the story. It was definitely entertaining with
each and every little surprise that popped up. This story will
certainly keep the readers' eyes glued to the pages. Hot, Hot, Hot!
I have read many other books by Desiree Holt and have enjoyed
every one of them. Just keep them coming.
Shay Beckham grew up idolizing her brother’s best friend,
star quarterback Joe Reilly. There was no one in their Texas
town who had the moves to match Joe on or off the field.
Years later, he’s still a player who has what it takes to
drive any hot-blooded woman wild. But Shay isn’t a kid with
a bad case of hero-worship anymore. She’s grown-up and
independent, with her feet on the ground and a serious head
on her shoulders. If she could just say the same for Joe.
It’s been fifteen years, but Joe Reilly hasn’t forgotten the
skinny little kid who used to follow him around like a
shadow. What he can’t get over is that the skinny shadow has
grown into one hell of an incredible woman. One any man in
his right mind would kill to get his hands on. And one who
seems to be completely immune to him. He knows he and Shay
could have something special together. If he could only
convince her he’s about more than just the game.