Instead of being in Philadelphia waiting for the arrival of
his first grandchild, Walt Longmire is in Arrosa, looking
into the suicide of Detective Gerald Holman. Gerald was a
by-the-books detective and an old friend of Lucian Conally,
Walt's former boss. Gerald's widow simply can't accept that
her husband would take his own life, but as Walt digs into
the case, he learns that Gerald was suppressing evidence
that involves three missing women. With a blizzard
threatening to bring the investigation to a standstill, Walt
must follow the faint trail left by a detective who died to
protect a horrible secret buried deep in the heart of
Arrosa, and he must follow it quickly because if the Wyoming
winter and deadly secrets don't kill him, Cady will if he
misses the birth of his first grandchild!
In this tense, fast-paced mystery, Craig Johnson captures
the desperate lengths people will go to in order to survive.
I'm a huge fan of Craig Johnson's Longmire Mysteries
and ANY OTHER NAME is no exception. Johnson's prose is
sharp, witty, and fantastic. The characters in the
Longmire Mysteries are one of my favorite casts. Each
individual is unique and rounded, bringing complexity,
conflict, and tension to the story. Walt and Cady's
relationship is one of the best father-daughter
relationships in print, and her phone calls to Walt in this
story bring out another side to Walt's personality. Henry
Standing Bear should get his own series because he's simply
that fantastic. I smile the entire time I'm reading a scene
with Henry. Lucian is a strong-willed, old-school sheriff.
The drive to keep digging is ingrained in him, and he passed
that on to Walt. But it's Vic and Walt's relationship that
provides growing tension and conflict as they try to deal
with the consequences of Vic's previous injuries. No one
relationship provides the emotional core of the story, but
rather, it's how the entire cast interacts that make them
If you've never read a Longmire Mystery, you can read
them out of order or as stand-alone novels, but part of the
pleasure of this series is in seeing how the characters
grow, change, and respond to each other. ANY OTHER NAME does
have a few references to events in previous novels and while
those events are explained well, the full emotional impact
might be missed if you haven't read the other novels. My
suggestion is to read them all! I would gladly read the 11
full-length novels back-to-back and never get tired of Walt
Longmire. He is that interesting, and Craig Johnson's plots
and prose style are that good.
ANY OTHER NAME captures the tense atmosphere of the hunt as
Walt races to solve the mystery of three missing women
before he get is trapped in the harsh Wyoming winter. Fast-
paced, intelligent, and darkly humorous, ANY OTHER NAME by
Craig Johnson is a fantastic addition to the Longmire
Mystery series which will please fans and newcomers
A sheriff’s mysterious death spurs the new novel in the
New York Times bestselling Walt Longmire
Sheriff Walt Longmire had already
rounded up a sizable posse of devoted readers when the
A&E television series Longmire sent the Wyoming lawman’s
popularity skyrocketing. Now, with three consecutive New
York Times bestsellers to his name and the second season
of Longmire reaching an
average of 5.4 million
viewers per episode, Craig Johnson is reaching a fan base
that is both fiercely loyal and ever growing.
Any Other Name, Walt is sinking into high-
winter discontent when his former boss, Lucian Conally, asks
him to take on a mercy case in an adjacent county. Detective
Gerald Holman is dead and Lucian wants to know what drove
his old friend to take his own life. With the clock ticking
on the birth of his first grandchild, Walt learns that the
by-the-book detective might have suppressed evidence
concerning three missing women. Digging deeper, Walt
uncovers an incriminating secret so dark that it threatens
to claim other lives even before the sheriff can serve
justice—Wyoming style.