Grayson McDonough is dealing with the death of his wife
Jenna, from ovarian cancer.
Not only is he dealing with this, but also raising his 9
year old daughter Sadie. Sadie decides that she would like
to go to a support group for ovarian cancer. Grayson is
not at
all interested in this, but does it for his daughter.
Annabelle is an ovarian cancer survivor. Due to this
illness she lost her fiancé Peter who could not deal with
the fact that she would never have children. Annabelle
volunteers for the support group. The group is going to
trying to raise money and decides to
make a quilt and raffle it off.
Grayson and Sadie attend a meeting and are swept into
helping with the quilt. They meet Annabelle and Sadie is
the one that really pushes to help with the quilt. Grayson
learns that Jenna had attended this group several times and
more than anything, she wanted them to join it.
Grayson and Annabelle form a friendship while making this
quilt. Neither one knows what to do with the feelings that
they have for each other.
Sandra Bricker's book is very inspirational. I lost my
sister last year to ovarian cancer so this book is very near
and dear to my heart. Sandra's writing makes you feel the
pain and frustration that women go though with this horrible
disease. Sandra also makes you realize what the men in
their lives also have to go though.
The quilt is in honor of those that have lost their battle
and for women who are still fighting this disease. I am
sure that there are groups that do this and it is a
way to honor people.
If you have known someone who is going though ovarian cancer
and even
if you don't, RAW EDGES is a very good book and one I
Grayson McDonough has no use for teal ribbons, 5k runs, or
ovarian cancer support groups now that his beautiful wife
Jenna is gone. But their nine-year-old daughter Sadie seems
to need the connection.
When Annabelle Curtis, the beautiful
cancer survivor organizing the memory quilt project for the
Ovacome support group, begins to bring out the silly and fun
side of his precious daughter again, Gray must set aside his
own grief to support the healing of Sadie’s young heart. But
is there hope for Gray’s heart too along the way?
I have read the book and it is a wonderful read. It is the best book I've ever read about Cancer survival and those left to deal with life in the aftermath. There are funny parts and parts that make you grab a box of tissues. Do yourself a favor and read it. (Shelly Tilley 5:20pm September 30, 2013)
It is a really a great book and so carefully and beautifully written! (Mrs. Lopez 5:47pm September 30, 2013)
I've read this book myself. It's a lovely book, written with love. This review nailed it! (Diana Austin 6:08pm September 30, 2013)
Such a sweet book! This review was awesome, described the book perfectly :) (Erica Hughes 8:14pm September 30, 2013)
I loved this book. Never before has a booked touched me so deeply. I highly recommend this book. You won't be sorry, however have your kleenex handy. (Shannon Foster 1:19am October 1, 2013)