Fans of Valdemar will adore UNDER THE VALE! Mercedes Lackey
once again takes the reader into the exceptional world of
Valdemar. It is not even necessary to have read the whole
Valdemar series, a reader can still become engrossed within
the stories contained in this collection. The underpinnings
of Valdemar are easier to picture and understand, fans who
have tried to figure out how Valdemar came to be will be
happy to know that more clues are leaked through these
entertaining reads.
It is interesting to see how the other authors feel and
describe Valdemar and characters in neighboring areas. The
reader will be given a chance to imagine alongside these
authors. The characters could have used a little more
development, but it is an anthology and the characters were
fairly recognizable. The stories themselves were well-
developed, some feel like they are cut short at the end, but
others are very satisfying, even surprising.
Fans of Mercedes Lackey will be happy to get their hands on
UNDER THE VALE. This is one of those books the reader can
read off and on giving them time to think about the
underlying messages. The short story format always end in a
perfect place to stop reading until next time.
In March 1987, a young author from Oklahoma published her
first novel, Arrows of the Queen. This modest book about a
magical land called Valdemar was the beginning of a fantasy
masterwork series that would span decades and include more
than two dozen titles. Now readers can travel to the world
of Valdemar with Tanya Huff, Mickey Zucker Reichert, Fiona
Patton, Rosemary Edghill, Judith Tarr, and others in these
original stories, including an all-new novella from Mercedes