From even the earliest days of the vampiric genre, women
who lust after or love other women saturated the genre.
Carmilla and Christabel were some of the first depictions,
but GIRLS WHO BITE continues the theme. Some of the works
are surprising, with intriguing twists that continue the
discussion of vampiric literature. Unfortunately, others
are less inventive or interesting, on an erotic or vampiric
level. However, short stories, erotic or not, are often
subjective, and the perceived gems within the anthology may
be quite personal, touching on chords within different
readers in different ways. For example, I thought Shayla
Kersten's Beloved was rich and excellent while Victoria
Oldham's Red Horizons combined humor and sensuality
within a unique storyline, but others might find other
works in the anthology more riveting.
These are no Twilight tales — the stories in Girls Who Bite
are varied, unexpected, and soul-scorching. Best-selling
romance writer Delilah Devlin and her contributors
investigate vampire myths from around the world, and add
fresh girl-on-girl blood to the pantheon of the paranormal.
Take a walk on the wild side with some of the hottest erotic
romance authors out there. In "La Caida," a Mexican
"salt-eater" saves a fallen angel and redeems her own soul.
In "Bloody Wicked," a powerful witch's spell to lure a lover
turns her into a vampire's love slave. Through a "Pet Door,"
a shapeshifting vampire meets the dominatrix of her dreams.
South African "Impundulu" sweeps you back to a vampire's
primeval beginnings. With a list of contributors that
include Adele Dubois, Christine d'Abo, Paisley Smith, Myla
Jackson, Shayla Kersten, and Vivi Anna, Devlin delivers a
dark and sexy read you can sink your teeth into!
So, sit astride the dome of St. Peter's Basilica, sail with
modern-day pirates, watch a meteor fall to earth, and taste
the powdery wings of a Monarch butterfly. Not things you'd
expect in a vampire tale? Then sip O-positive from a femoral
artery while tugging at the silky strands of your lover's
hair. Eternally delicious.