Even as Ellysetta Baristani prepares for her wedding to her
soul mate Rain, the shape-shifting King of the Fey, dark
forces continue to move against her. The Shadow Man of her
childhood nightmares is using Azrahn, the dark soul magic
forbidden to the Fey but commonly used by the Mages, to
haunt Ellie's dreams. Her magic continues to assert itself
and though she tries to keep it under control, the magic
often overwhelms and escapes. Ellie's power, long-denied,
can no longer be hidden from those who want to use it for
their own dark ends.
Rain's warning of the Eld's return and Mage-claimed are
ignored by mortal men who, in their arrogance, dismiss
Rain's caution and in so doing may condemn themselves.
Ignored, the Eld make their move. But even the vicious Eld
have no idea how strong Ellie is and in their condescending
distain, put her to the test. Ellie rises above it and
comes into her own in a terrifying and empowering
Wow! Original and exciting, LADY OF LIGHT AND SHADOWS picks
up right where LORD OF THE FADING LANDS left off and hits
the ground running. I love it when a book continually
surprises me. Ellie is so much more than a fairy tale
Cinderella. She's equal to her prince in every way,
something he's tried to tell her all along. The girl's got
game and she comes into her own power in LADY OF LIGHT AND
SHADOWS. I hate that these two books are being marketed
as "paranormal romance." Nothing against the romance genre --
I love it -- but putting "romance" on the books' spines
will keep a lot of male readers away, as well as a lot of
female fantasy fans who get tired of too much romance in
the genre. The relationship between the characters is
always what drives a good story, but there is so much more
going on here and plot takes precedence over hugs and
kisses in this series.
She feared the dark visions and the magic within her. And
she dreamed of the miraculous love that could save her.
Like an enchanted fairy tale prince he stepped from the sky
to claim her—the Fey King, her destiny, her one and true love.
But behind the mesmerizing beauty of Rain’s violet eyes
Ellysetta saw the passionate hunger of the beast . . . and a
sorrow, deep and ancient, that she alone could heal. Only
for him would she embrace the frightening power that dwells
within her. Only with him at her side could she confront the
shadows that haunt her soul. For an epic battle looms on the
horizon—and only united can they hope to turn back the
armies of the darkness.