Rebellion Publishing
June 2015
On Sale: June 18, 2015
Featuring: Yulla; Ember
272 pages ISBN: 1781083541 EAN: 9781781083543 Kindle: B00WZSQJRS e-Book
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Two children escape the darkness of their underground
dwellings, to find adventure, magic and terrible danger
await anyone who ventures above ground. Fifteen years have passed since Mother Sun last sent her
children to walk the world. When the eclipse comes, the
people retreat to the caverns beneath the Kaladim,
the days in total darkness while the Fire Children
their world. It's death to even look upon them, the
stories say. Despite the warnings, Yulla gives in to her curiosity and
ventures to the surface. There she witnesses the Witch
— who rumors say worship dead Father Sea, rather than
Sun — capturing one of the Children and hauling her away.
Yulla isn't the only one who saw the kidnapping; Ember,
last of the Fire Children, reveals himself to Yulla and
implores her to help. Trapped up above and hunted by the witches and the desert
wind, Yulla and Ember must find a way free his siblings
put a stop to the Witch Womens' plans, before they can
the Fire Children to bind Mother Sun herself.
No awards found for this book.
Interviews for The Fire Children
THE FIRE CHILDREN, Mythology, and Coming-of-Age with Lauren Roy The Fire Children July 16, 2015
11 comments posted.
Re: The Fire Children
I have several series that I re-read often. Mercedes Lackey's Valdamar, Ann McCaffrey's drangon riders, Nalini Singh's Psy/Changlings and others. (Donna Antonio 3:07pm July 16, 2015)
I have read Daphne Du Maurier's novels and treasure them, as well as British classics. (Sharon Berger 4:32pm July 16, 2015)
My copies of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy have seen lots of re-reading action! Also, my collection of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series, and The Chronicles of Narnia, as well as many Stephen King favorites are all in need of rubber bands! (Kristy McRae 6:53pm July 16, 2015)
Probably my copies of Perry Mason, because they're kind of fragile. Also, Little Women, Come the Night, and Sherlock Holmes. I love my books...and have been known to tape them and glue them and do what I can to keep them together. (Cynthia Powers 11:09pm July 16, 2015)
I would say "Little Women" . I read it so many times when I was younger .Congrats on "The Fire Children" it sounds like a very exciting book . (Joan Thrasher 10:07am July 17, 2015)
I have not read anything by this author, but I love the cover and the description! (Heather Poindexter 12:57pm July 17, 2015)
My "Little house" series are very ratty and several of my Robert Heinliens' (Janis Milford 8:52pm July 17, 2015)
My books by Heather Graham (Susan Mahaffey 10:06pm July 18, 2015)
I never read a book more than once. Once I know the ending I can't read it again. (Denise Austin 12:51pm July 19, 2015)
The copies of the Hobbit and LOTR that my parents gave me over 20 years ago... and which were their copies before hand. I have read them into the ground. (Rachel B 5:07pm July 19, 2015)
I love mythology and this book really sounds like something I would love to read now, and again in a year or two. (Debra Wolsleben 5:28pm July 19, 2015)
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