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New Concepts Publishing
March 2006
Featuring: Prince of Darkness; Tessa Long; Simon Trelawney
ISBN: 1000000038 e-Book
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Romance Paranormal | Romance Erotica Sensual
When the Prince of Darkness offers Simon Trelawney the
chance to redeem himself by wresting Jack the Ripper's
intended victim from beneath his nose, it isn’t the chance
of redemption that appeals to him as much as the chance
for revenge against the vampire who turned him over a
hundred years ago. Tessa Long is not just any victim, however. She’s the
great-granddaughter of the woman Jack originally planned
to possess and kill, a victim he is obsessed with
claiming, and Simon discovers that it will not be the
Prince of Darkness who decides his fate. It is Tessa
herself who will either be his salvation or the death of
him. Rating: Contains explicit sex, graphic language, and
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