December 2014
On Sale: December 8, 2014
Featuring: Blue Reynolds; Izzy
218 pages ISBN: 1601832621 EAN: 9781601832627 Kindle: B00LGZ9JL4 e-Book
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Romance Paranormal | Romance Suspense
Blue Reynolds knows the darker side of New Never City--
side that's hopped-up on fairy dust and doesn't care if
house gets blown down. Rent's due and his PI business is
but make believe. But even Blue shudders at having to
after Isabella Davis, a freckle-nosed redhead five feet
on her tip-toes...if you don't count the pretty pink
wings. Izzy is tough, and sneaky, and not too thrilled with the
idea of being the new tooth fairy. The last six have been
most gruesomely extracted. But Blue has a feeling that
whoever is killing the tooth fairies is worse than your
standard big bad psycho. The fairy council is hiding
something. The Shadows are moving out into the light. And
Blue is saddled with a shocking power that could take out
half of New Never City...
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10 comments posted.
Re: The Fairyland Murders
I have just realized I now want to read THE FAIRYLAND MURDERS (Kay Burke 3:10pm January 22, 2015)
My job is complete. Thank you, Kay. I hope you like it. (Ja Kazimer 3:21pm January 22, 2015)
thank you for bringing us all interesting things that. Yepi 2 | Friv 4 (Liuly Jenny 11:24pm January 22, 2015)
From the sound of it, this isn't your first book, and I have some catching up to do!! After reading your posting, I love the way your mind works, and you really made me laugh, and wish that your book was in front of me, so that I could dig right in!! I'll have to look up the others, and put them on my TBR list, so that I'll have some great reading to do for the Winter / Spring season. Thank you so much for coming here and letting us know about your latest book!! I'll definately be keeping my eye out for anything you write!! (Peggy Roberson 9:43am January 23, 2015)
I really enjoyed your post and love your personality so much. I really look forward to reading your books. You are a new writer to me but not for long! (Bonnie Capuano 11:05am January 23, 2015)
Sounds as if you do one of the things that makes me enjoy some murder mysteries--include some humor in the tale. And often, black humor is better than a lot of other types. I should not do this, since the pile is already taller than my head, but your books have just been added to my TBR list! (Don Burkhead 1:15pm January 23, 2015)
This sounds so exciting. I love mysteries and who did its. (Joan Thrasher 10:17am January 24, 2015)
Your post was wonderful and your book sound captivating. (Sharon Berger 11:57am January 24, 2015)
I love mysteries and am so excited to meet a new author in this genre. I can't wait to read this book. (Denise Austin 7:20pm January 24, 2015)
I would love to read your books. (Jean Benedict 11:49am January 25, 2015)
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