Redstone Clan #3
Self Published
February 2014
On Sale: February 14, 2014
Featuring: Magnus Redstone; Miranda
190 pages ISBN: 1310139091 EAN: 9781310139093 Kindle: B00IFRFQKO e-Book Add to Wish List
A tortured vampire, a lonely shifter, and a deadly power
struggle of supernatural proportions. Can their forbidden
love prevail?
Magnus Redstone is the middle of the five Redstone brothers.
He's the quiet one. The one who keeps to himself more than
the others. But he has good reason for his loner status. Two
years ago, he met a woman. Not just any woman. This woman
made his inner cougar stand up and roar. Even in human form,
he purred when she stroked him. She was his mate. And that
meant something very serious among shifters. Too bad the
lady had fangs...
Following a lead about a very bad man, Mag discovers Miranda
being held captive by an evil mage in a cage of silver that
burns her. She's been tortured and bled repeatedly as the
monster sought to steal her power for his own. Mag frees her
and takes her to his home, nursing her back to health and
defying all convention to keep her with him. He doesn't ever
want to let her go again, but he knows the deck is stacked
against them.
When a vampire uprising threatens the stability of the Las
Vegas scene, Mag and Miranda are right in the middle of it,
fighting against evil. More than just their necks are on the
line when a group of vampires seek to kill them and
overthrow the current Master vampire of the area. But they
have powerful allies, and their renewed relationship has
made both of them stronger than either would ever be alone.
Will they prevail against all odds, and can they stay
together forever? Or will the daylight - and their two very
different worlds - tear them apart again?