Tyndale House Publishers
April 2014
On Sale: April 1, 2014
Featuring: Butch Browning; Jenny Browning
375 pages ISBN: 1414386591 EAN: 9781414386591 Kindle: B00E1O6UTQ Paperback / e-Book
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After the tragic death of Butch Browning's wife, Jenny, four
families begin to realize how precious-and fleeting-their
time together is. Each is at a different stage in life:
Butch is facing single parenthood. The O'Reillys are
expecting their first child. The Andersons are approaching
an empty nest, and the Buckleys are so focused on providing
their children with everything that they've forgotten what
they truly need. With just eighteen summers before their
children are grown, how do they make the most of that time
when life so often gets in the way? As summer flies by, each
of these parents must learn about guilt and grace . . . and
when to hold on to their kids and when to let go.
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