Uncommon Heroes Series, #1
Tyndale House Publishers
October 2005
Featuring: Kelly Jacobs; Joe Baker
336 pages ISBN: 1414310625 Paperback (reprint) Add to Wish List
Kelly Jacobs watched with pride as her husband, Nick,
triumphed in his demanding SEALs military training. When
he dies on a mission three years later, she is wounded to
the soul-yet copes with the determination of a SEAL's
wife; bracing herself to keep going despite the loss. In
return, Nick's comrades watch over Kelly as part of their
family. Joe Baker had been leading the team when Nick was
killed. He takes the loss especially hard: Nick had led
him to Christ and was his best friend. When Nick dies, Joe
suffers survivor's guilt. He takes care of Kelly and plans
to find her a new husband. He figures he owes her that-he
just hadn't counted on falling in love with her. As Kelly
struggles to move on and Joe is torn between loyalty to
Nick and love for Kelly, God provides surprising answers
to their dilemmas and reveals the beauty of the truth
that "a friend loves at all times."