The O'Malley Series, #4
Tyndale House Publishers
October 2005
Featuring: Jack O'Malley; Cassie Ellis
350 pages ISBN: 1414310595 Trade Size (reprint) Add to Wish List
Jack O'Malley is a fireman who is fearless when it comes
to facing an inferno. But when an arsonist begins
targeting his district, his shift, and his friends, Jack
faces the ultimate challenge: protecting the one lady who
witnessed the arsonist... Book number four in the O'Malley
series brings back Jack O'Malley from The Truth
Seeker in a page-turning thriller. It's Christmas. And
in this time of celebration, Cassie Ellis has found the
real meaning of Christmas; Jack is still searching to
understand. Who is Jesus? On that answer rests his hope
that someone greater than he is in control of a situation
spiraling into terror.