When France's top chef, Marc Fraysse, summoned the world's
press to make a shattering announcement, rumors abounded
that he was about to lose one of his three coveted Michelin
stars. Instead, on arrival at his remote restaurant on a
volcanic plateau in central France, they were greeted with
the news that the troubled genius had been murdered, and
the message he intended to deliver was never made. Seven
years on, the identity of his killer also remains an
Enzo Macleod takes on his fifth cold case
and delves into the big business and high stakes of French
haute cuisine. As winter sets in, and snow gathers along a
volcanic horizon, he retraces long cold footsteps across a
remote hilltop. But unraveling the complex web of
relationships that surrounded the brilliant and mercurial
chef - a spurned lover, a jealous wife, an estranged
brother, an embittered food critic--also leads to strange
parallels with his own life. And in opening up this
celebrated cold case, he finds himself reopening old wounds
from his past.