When Bill O'Reilly interviewed then-Senator Barack Obama
during the 2008 presidential elections, the two had a lively
debate about the nation's future.
Since that time,
America has changed rapidly—some would even say seismically.
And many believe these shifts are doing more than just
rocking the political and social climate; they're rocking
the American core.
What are these changes? Who, in
addition to President Obama, have been the biggest forces
behind them? What exactly do they mean for you, the everyday
American citizen? How are they affecting your money, health,
safety, freedom, and standing in this nation? Which are
Pinheaded moves and which are truly Patriotic? In his latest
spirited book, O'Reilly prompts further debate with the
President and the American people on the current state of
the union.
After five consecutive, no-nonsense,
tell-it-like-it-is megabestsellers, you can count on Bill to
offer blunt and constructive political commentary. And as he
did in his popular memoir, he offers some introspection too,
looking back at his own actions and those of past Pinheads
and Patriots who have inspired a code of conduct for such
taxing times.
As always, O'Reilly is fair,
balanced, and uncompromisingly tough when guarding the
American way. Only Pinheads would fail to fight for what
they love most about this country or to embrace some measure
of change to make it better. The rest of us Patriots will
read this book to discover the difference between the two.
Fresh Fiction people: The cover of this book clearly shows the title being "Pinheads and Patriots". You might want to change all your headers... (Rebecca DuBose 6:21pm September 19, 2010)