Deep in the canyons of northern Arizona, animal psychic Kai
Tallon senses someone - or something - watching her, and
wonders if the legends are true. This is the land of the
Tocho - a pride of half man/half cougars borne of the Navajo
- and rumored to possess unearthly masculine prowess...
SHE FEELS HIM As night falls, Kai knows sleep will
elude her, for her body is thrumming with sexual energy. But
once she surrenders to the erotic sensations sweeping
through her, she discovers a pleasure so breathtaking it can
only be a intense it can only be
teasing, she knows she isn't alone.
SHE WANTS HIM Kai lusts after this mysterious
presence whose visitations arouse her with his primal
sexuality. Quivering with need, she longs to feel him deep
inside. And she will, for the man in him wants her, and the
animal in him will take her. Now a willing prisoner to
rapture, Kai must choose between her captor-lover, and
returning to civilization.