July 1995
On Sale: July 1, 1995
Featuring: Emma Cassidy; Bruce Prentice
256 pages ISBN: 0373076606 EAN: 9780373076604 Paperback Add to Wish List
That was what Detective Bruce Prentice had come to the
Maine woods to find out. But the more he learned about
her, the less he understood. All he knew was, those
flights across the Canadian border in her private plane
simply couldn't be innocent -- and neither was his desire
for this fascinating, mysterious woman....
Emma wanted this secluded place to be a refuge from her
troubled past to be a refuge from her troubled past -- but
trouble had found her even here. And she could no longer
deny that it was linked to the disturbing stranger who had
so suddenly come into her life -- a man who made her wish
there were no secrets between them....