January 2008
On Sale: January 1, 2008
Featuring: Declan MacKenzie; Daria
384 pages ISBN: 0843959541 EAN: 9780843959543 Mass Market Paperback Add to Wish List
Harpies don't get callbacks. That's why Daria's job as night
manager of the Woo Woo Inn is the opportunity of several
lifetimes. Where better to prove that in the
snatch-and-dispatch business she has CEO potential? So what
if she doesn't really fit the corporate image. So what if
she has to nurture her inner bitch to compete. And triple so
what if she'd rather take Declan MacKenzie to bed than on a
one-way all-expense-paid trip to Tartarus. His sexy blue
eyes and hard male body lure her into deep and dangerous
erotic waters. With a monster eating guests for its midnight
snack, cosmic troublemakers cooking up chaos and Declan
making serious moves on her, this looks like a lot more than
a... One Bite Stand.