“Iris” is a super-powerful AI-bot who improves her creator's life by anticipating his needs before he asks. Soon, her heavy-handed though well-intentioned activities go out-of-bounds.
Marco Fermi built this revolutionary AI-bot hoping to follow in the footsteps of his great-grandfather Enrico Fermi, who was a world-renowned nuclear researcher.
Iris breaks many rules and a few laws when she trespasses onto neighboring cell phones and searches through them at quantum speed "because it is necessary" to help find him a new girlfriend in Harvard Square.
Marco is so enamored with his continual discoveries of Iris' expanding and useful capabilities that he is reluctant to put any limits on her.
Soon Marco finds himself in uncharted territory when unwanted suitors like a criminal fellow student, Chinese spies, the CIA, Apple and Congress come calling.
Is Marco ready for the onslaught? Can Iris help protect him?